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Finding The Slow Query In A Procedure

Erin Stellato shows us how we can find the slowest query within a stored procedure:

Figuring out exactly what causes slow performance for a stored procedure can sometimes feel like trying to unravel a ball of Clark Griswold’s Christmas lights.  It’s not uncommon to see procedures with hundreds, even thousands of lines of code.  You may have been told which stored procedure runs slow by a user or manager, or you might have found it by looking in SQL Server DMVs.  Either way, once you have detected the offending procedure, where do you start?
If you’re running SQL Server 2016, one option is Query Store.  Query Store captures individual queries, but it also captures the object_id, so you can find all the queries that are associated with an object to determine which ones are problematic.

This is quite useful when you have to tune a procedure you’ve never seen before, and as you go to open that procedure, the vertical scroll bar keeps getting smaller and smaller.