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Extended Events In Azure Data Studio

Jason Brimhall walks us through installation of the SQL Server Profiler on Azure Data Studio:

Azure Data Studio (ADS) is getting all sorts of love and attention these days. So much so that they have finally gotten around to adding Extended Events (XE) to the tool – sort of. Now we have the power to run traces on SQL Server via ADS.

The presence of XE in ADS comes via an extension and comes with a few other caveats. I will explore the extension for XE available in ADS in this article and discuss some of the caveats. As you read the article, it might be helpful to go ahead and download ADS if you do not already have it.

Jason points out the name of SQL Server Profiler and I’d like to add my own bit of irritation here.  “Don’t use Profiler, except the one good Profiler but not the Profiler you think you’re using unless you know not to use Profiler and use Profiler instead.”  Yeah, that’s pretty clear.