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Running Powershell Files From SQL Operations Studio

Jay Robinson shows how you can configure SQL Operations Studio to run Powershell with the click of two buttons:

As I’ve used SQL Operations Studio more and more, I’ve also been finally using PowerShell in more situations. Given that I like the editor and that there’s a built-in terminal, I’ve been running those in my Ops Studio instance. But for a while I didn’t have a slick way of running an entire PowerShell file in the terminal. Usually, I’d just Ctrl+A/Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V, which is a bit awkward.

But among all the other ways you can customize Ops Studio, you have a lot of control over the key mappings. One way to edit these mappings is to pull up the Command Pallette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and start typing “key”, and you’ll see “Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts”. You’ll also see it mentions the Ctrl+K/Ctrl+S shortcut. This will bring you to the basic Keyboard Shortcuts window, where you’ll need to click “keybindings.json”. Either way, just like Ops Studio’s overall settings (and VSCode’s, for that matter), you get a JSON file you can now tweak. Actually, two of them, with the defaults on the left and your own settings on the right.

Read on to see Jay’s mapping and an explanation of what he’s doing.