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Tableau And Power BI: Complementarities

Jen Stirrup argues that there is a good reason to use both Tableau and Power BI in the same environment:

A question I often here is this: Which tool should I use, Tableau or Power BI? The truth is: They are not mutually exclusive.

Tableau is great at business mysteries: ill-defined questions where you have to surf the data for results. Power BI is particularly great at modelling and cleaning the data, with clean, crisp data visualisation and the ability to use custom and open-source data visualizations. This blog isn’t aimed at the technical user, but at the analyst who needs to get information out quickly. I will do another post, aimed at the geeks, another time.

I am all about embracing the power of And.  The downside is, my corporate budget went bankrupt just thinking about the cost of both of them together…