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Using ggpairs To Find Correlations Between Variables In R

Akshay Mahale shows how to use the ggpairs function in R to see the correlation between different pairs of variables:

From the above matrix for iris we can deduce the following insights:

  • Correlation between Sepal.Length and Petal.Length is strong and dense.
  • Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width seems to show very little correlation as datapoints are spreaded through out the plot area.
  • Petal.Length and Petal.Width also shows strong correlation.

Note: The insights are made from the interpretation of scatterplots(with no absolute value of the coefficient of correlation calculated). Some more examination will be required to be done once significant variables are obtained for linear regression modeling. (with help of residual plots, the coefficient of determination i.e Multiplied R square we can reach closer to our results)

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