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Using DATEPART In SQL Server

Randolph West shares some thoughts on the DATEPART function:

As we learned some time ago, an INT (integer) in T-SQL uses four bytes, and has a maximum value greater than zero of over 2 billion (there are more than 4 billion values in an integer if we take the negative values into account).

Why then are date and time parts expressed as an INT, which have a lot of overhead for values like 24, 31, and 60?

There are two reasons:

  1. Integers make things simpler. When writing arithmetic in T-SQL and other programming languages, the default data type is usually an integer. Having to memorise which data types are returned from built-in functions becomes unnecessary when we know it will be an INT. Yes, it uses extra memory, but four bytes is a reasonable trade-off against complexity.

  2. One of the return values is nanoseconds. Although DATETIME2(7) only has a granularity down to 100 nanoseconds, DATEPART allows us to return this value, which requires a data type large enough to contain an integer up to 1 billion (nanoseconds can range from 0 to 999,999,900 in increments of 100).

Randolph also explains what happened a few years back to cause iPhone alarms not to fire on January 1st and 2nd.