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Finding Procedure Parameters Which Don’t Match Column Names

Shane O’Neill has a process to update procedures to make input parameter names match output column names:

I was asked to standardise stored procedures we use for common support cases before we hand them over to IT Helpdesk.

One of the comments that came back from the Helpdesk while testing was that the parameter names that they had to put values in for didn’t match what they saw in the application.

Luckily for me (or unluckily) the application was a third party developed one and they didn’t bother renaming the columns. So if the column is called create_date in the database then the application is going to show create_date.

However, if I created a parameter called DateCreated or even CreateDate, then they don’t want it.

Shane has a Powershell script which uses the Find-DbaStoredProcedure method in dbatools; click through to see it in action.