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The Data Exploration Process

Stacia Varga takes a step back from analyzing NHL data to explore it a little more:

As I mentioned in my last post, I am currently in an exploratory phase with my data analytics project. Although I would love to dive in and do some cool predictive analytics or machine learning projects, I really need to continue learning as much about my data as possible before diving into more advanced techniques.

My data exploration process has the following four steps:

  1. Assess the data that I have at a high level

  2. Determine how this data is relevant to the analytics project I want to undertake

  3. Get a general overview of the data characteristics by calculating simple statistics

  4. Understand the “middles” and the “ends” of your numeric data points

There’s some good stuff in here.  I particularly appreciate Stacia’s consideration of data exploration as an iterative process.