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Columnstore And Merge Replication

Niko Neugebauer tests whether merge replicated tables can use columnstore indexes:

Adding this table to the publication will end up with the following, self-explaining error message, being very clear that the Clustered Columnstore Indexes are not supported for the Merge Replication[.]

There is no surprise here, as the same Clustered Columnstore Indexes are not supported for the Transactional Replication, but I feel that a great opportunity is lost and the Replication technology are being quite ignored by the emerged technologies, such as In-Memory & Columnstore, where the scenarios of replicating the Data Warehousing data is something that a lot of people can find very useful.

I wish it would be otherwise, and this would allow to bring more customers to use Columnstore Indexes.

Clustered columnstore indexes aren’t possible, but read on to learn whether non-clustered columnstore indexes are supported.