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Source Control In SQL Operations Studio

Drew Furgiuele reminds me why I prefer Mercurial over Git:

Of course, this just scratches the surface of using source control and Git. Now that you have a working example, I encourage you to read more especially about branching and merging, and your inevitable merge conflicts. I think branching is incredibly important if you like to tweak your scripts because it gives you a separate copy of your code to work on and test, and when you’re satisfied you merge your changes back to your master branch (or trunk).

Once you get the basics down, it’s really easy to start contributing other projects too! You could fork a project, work on it, and then submit a pull request to the owners to add features. Or, maybe someone will find code you made available and do the same. It’s amazing. Or a very minimum, this will get you up to speed on how you can introduce an SCM practice for SQL-related scripts at your workplace, if you don’t have one, or how you can start using it if you do (and don’t already).

Click through to see how Drew integrates Git with SQL Operations Studio.  Spoilers:  it’s pretty easy, given the relationship between SqlOps and Visual Studio Code.