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Tracking Kafka Consumer Lag

Simarpreet Kaur Monga has a Scala-based example showing how to calculate Kafka offset lag for consumers:

The Consumer can subscribe to multiple topics, you need to pass the list of topics you want to consume from. For the sake of simplicity, I have just passed a single topic to consume from.

Now that the consumer has subscribed to the topic, it can consume from that topic.

The consumer maintains an offset to keep the track of the next record it needs to read.

Now, let us see how we can find the consumer offsets.

The Consumer offsets can be found using the method offset of class ConsumerRecord. This offset points to the record in a Kafka partition. The consumer consumes the records from the topic in the form of an object of class ConsumerRecord. The class ConsumerRecord also consists of a topic name and a partition number from which the record is being received, and a timestamp as marked by the corresponding ProducerRecord (the record sent by the producer).

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