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Predicting Advertising Budgets With Kafka Streams

Boyang Chen explains how Pinterest uses Kafka Streams to reduce advertising overdelivery:

Overdelivery occurs when free ads are shown for out-of-budget advertisers. This reduces opportunities for advertisers with available budget to have their products and services discovered by potential customers.

Overdelivery is a difficult problem to solve for two reason:

  1. Real-time spend data: Information about ad impressions needs to be fed back into the system within seconds in order to shut down out-of-budget campaigns.

  2. Predictive spend: Fast, historical spend data isn’t enough. The system needs to be able to predict spend that might occur in the future and slow down campaigns close to reaching their budget. That’s because an inserted ad could remain available to be acted on by a user. This makes the spend information difficult to accurately measure in a short timeframe. Such a natural delay is inevitable, and the only thing we can be sure of is the ad insertion event.

This is a very interesting architectural overview.

One Comment

  1. Anuj Agarwal
    Anuj Agarwal 2017-10-14

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