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Messing With Views

Daniel Janik shows what happens when you add a column to the middle of a table while a SELECT * view exists on that table:

Let’s say you get a request or maybe the developer adds a column in the middle of the table. What happens to the view? Was it created with SELECT *? Could the title of this post just as easily have been “Don’t SELECT * ever again!”? Sure…

This is exactly what had happened. The table was altered and the view didn’t change. The view was actually throwing a date from string conversion error.

Let’s take a peek at the after math of adding a column without rebuilding the view.

To Daniel’s two take-aways I would add a third:  don’t use the GUI to insert columns in the middle of a table.  The order of columns in a relational table is ultimately irrelevant, so add new columns at the end.  That avoids this problem altogether.