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dbatools Now With 287 Commands

Chrissy LeMaire reports that dbatools has 287 cmdlets:

Really, I said all that so that you’d hopefully excuse the recent lack of communication 😉 Not only did I have the big ol’ audit, but we are also preparing for two dbatools pre-cons. One with Klaas Vandenberghe and Rob Sewell in Ghent, Belgium at dataminds and then the one in Seattle at PASS Summit.

This means that communication will slow a bit until December, but I wanted to give you an update. First, we’re now at a whopping 287 magical commands! We’ve got three kind folks working on the webpages and once they are all ready, I’ll do a new release. Until then, here’s over 80 newish commands that you can explore using Get-Help -Detailed.

dbatools has been a tremendous community success.