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More On Certificates Versus Trusted Assemblies

Solomon Rutzky compares using the new Trusted Assemblies functionality in SQL Server 2017 versus generating certificates for loading CLR objects:

Considering that “Trusted Assemblies” is entirely worthless within the context of the regular (i.e. non-Azure) SQL Server, does the same argument of “just use the existing Certificates and Module Signing functionality” also apply here?

Well, this just happens to be the one area where there might possibly be, in the worst-case scenario, some argument made for keeping this feature. The problem with applying the same Certificate / ADD SIGNATURE logic to Azure SQL Database is that you can’t create a signature-based Login (from either a Certificate or an Asymmetric Key) in that environment. Ouch! That is definitely a nail-in-the-coffin for the Certificate idea. Ok, so assuming that “Trusted Assemblies” would work in this scenario, is it an acceptable solution to the problem?

This has been a thought-provoking series so far.  If you agree with his conclusions, Solomon has a Connect item he’d like you to upvote.