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Working With AT TIME ZONE In SQL Server

Louis Davidson has a post up showing how to use AT TIME ZONE:

I have a series of blogs about temporal tables in SQL Server 2016, which you can see here. However, one thing I never had mentioned was that the Temporal Row Start and End Times are always stored in UTC times (which is generally inconvenient to work with unless you are from the Great Britain area).  However, when you are looking at your data and want to see what the data looked like at ‘Yesterday at 12:00 at the computer you are working from, this can be a bit more work.

In 2016 SQL Server, a new feature was added that totally passed me by. AT TIME ZONE. It is used to manipulate the time zone offset of a point in time value,either to append the time zone to a value, or to shift the time zone value of a DATETIMEOFFSET value. The most common practical use that I will show is converting a value in your local time to UTC (and vice versa).

This is something I tend to forget about, but can be useful when building quick reports from UTC.  I’d store all data in UTC, just to make sure dates and times are consistent across servers in different locations, but you don’t have to do those calculations in your head all the time.