Gary Dusbabek has a nice example showing how to build a simple application with Spark and Kafka:
This is a hands-on tutorial that can be followed along by anyone with programming experience. If your programming skills are rusty, or you are technically minded but new to programming, we have done our best to make this tutorial approachable. Still, there are a few prerequisites in terms of knowledge and tools.
The following tools will be used:
Git—to manage and clone source code
Docker—to run some services in containers
Java 8 (Oracle JDK)—programming language and a runtime (execution) environment used by Maven and Scala
Maven 3—to compile the code we write
Some kind of code editor or IDE—we used the community edition of IntelliJ while creating this tutorial
Scala—programming language that uses the Java runtime. All examples are written using Scala 2.12. Note: You do not need to download Scala.
The Hello World of streaming apps is a Twitter client.