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Openrowset On Linux

Steve Jones shows how to use the OPENROWSET command to bulk load data into SQL Server on Linux:

I wanted to import the million song dataset in SQL Server on Linux. There’s a github repo that has the SQL to allow you to use this with the graph database features. However, it’s built for Windows.

Linux is a slightly different beast. Once I started down this path, I had memories of working on SunOS in college, messing with permissions and moving files.

I run Ubuntu in VMWare, so I first downloaded the files to my Documents folder. That’s pretty easy. However, once there, the mssql user can’t read them. Rather than mess with permissions for my home, I decided to move these to a location where the mssql user could read them.

Much of the post is about file permissions.  This is because SQL on Linux is SQL on Windows, and that’s a glorious thing.