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Sentiment Analysis With Nifi

Timothy Spann ties together a bunch of interesting things with Apache Nifi, including integrations with Twitter, Slack, Tensorflow, and Zeppelin:

First up, I used GetTwitter to read tweets and filtered on these terms:

strata, stratahadoop, strataconf, NIFI, FutureOfData, ApacheNiFi, Hortonworks, Hadoop, ApacheHive, HBase, ApacheSpark, ApacheTez, MachineLearning, ApachePhoenix, ApacheCalcite,ApacheStorm, ApacheAtlas, ApacheKnox, Apache Ranger, HDFS, Apache Pig, Accumulo, Apache Flume, Sqoop, Apache Falcon


InvokeHttp: I used this to download the first image URL from tweets.

It’s interesting to see this all tie together relatively easily.