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S3 Or EBS?

Devadutta Ghat, et al, compare Amazon S3 versus Elastic Block Storage (EBS) on the basis of cost and Apache Impala performance:

EBS is attached to the AWS compute node as a fully-functional filesystem (similar to an attached SSD on an on-premise node), and Impala makes use of several filesystem features to deliver higher throughput and lower latency. These features include:

  • HDFS short-circuit reads to bypass HDFS and read files directly from the filesystem
  • OS buffer cache to read frequently accessed files directly from the cache instead of fetching it again
  • Fixed-cost file renames through metadata operations

In contrast, S3 is an object store that is accessed over the network. However, with S3, throughput is better than simple network-attached storage because of its dedicated, high-performance networks. In Cloudera’s internal benchmark testing (detailed below), on an r3.2xlarge, we saw a consistent throughput of about 100MB/s. Furthermore, in S3, there is currently no equivalent to HDFS short-circuit reads. Move/rename operations for data stored in S3 is a copy followed by a delete, while a file move on HDFS is a metadata operation—which is usually problematic for ETL workloads, as they create large number of small files that are typically moved.

It looks like EBS is a solid choice for many workloads.