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Serdar Yegulalp reports that Jupyter is getting a major facelift:

JupyterLab uses a web-based UI that’s akin to the tab-and-panel interface used in IDEs like Visual Studio or Eclipse. Notebooks, command-line consoles, code editors, language references, and many more items can be arranged in various combinations, powered by the PhosphorJSframework.

“The entire JupyterLab [project] is built as a collection of plugins that talk to kernels for code execution and that can communicate with one another,” the developers wrote. “We hope the community will develop many more plugins for new use cases that go far beyond the basic system.”

It looks like they’re making major changes to keep up with Zeppelin on the back end.  The biggest advantage Jupyter had for me over Zeppelin was its installation simplicity, so I hope they keep it just as easy as installing Anaconda and then loading JupyterLab.