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Copying A File Using SQL Server

Slava Murygin makes me want to add a “wacky ideas” category with this one:

At first, you have to read the file you want to copy into a SQL Server. You have to choose a database to perform that action. It can be Test database or you can create a new database to perform that action or it can be even TempDB. There is only two requirements for the database:
– It must not be a production Database;
– Database should have enough of space to accommodate the file you want to copy.

The idea is that if the database engine’s service account has rights to a file you want to access but don’t have permissions to access, you can bulk copy the contents as a binary blob and then grab the contents and write the results to your local system using bcp.  Sure, it becomes your company’s most expensive file copy tool, but I love the mad ingeniousness behind it.