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Descriptive Statistics With SQL Server And R

Mala Mahadevan digs into descriptive statistics:

With R integration into SQL Server 2016 we can pull an R script and integrate it rather easily. I will be covering all 3 approaches. I am using a small dataset – a single table with 915 rows, with a SQL Server 2016 installation and R Studio. The complexities of doing this type of analysis in the real world with bigger datasets involve setting various options for performance and dealing with memory issues – because R is very memory intensive and single threaded.

My table and the data it contains can be created with scripts here. For this specific post I used just one column in the table – age. For further posts I will be using the other fields such as country and gender.

Mala compares T-SQL versus R for calculating minimum, maximum, mean, and mode.  She wraps the post up by showing how to call her R code via T-SQL using SQL Server R Services.