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Compression Performance

Rolf Tesmer digs into the case of compression of building an index whose leading column has a low cardinality:

That first one is a cracker – it hit me once when compressing a SQL Server table (600M+ rows) on a 64 core Enterprise SQL Server.  After benchmarking several other data compression activities I thought I had a basic “rule of thumb” (based on GB data size and number of rows)… of which just happened to be coincidence!

This also begs the question of why would you use low selectivity indexes?  Well I can think of a few cases – but the one which stands out the most is the identification of a small number of rows within a greater collection – such as an Index on TYPE columns (ie; [ProcessingStatusFlag] CHAR(1) = [P]rocessed, [U]nprocessed, [W]orking, [F]ailed, etc)

… AND SO – lets do some testing to validate this puppy!

There’s a significant difference here, so check out Rolf’s post for the details.