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Network Shares And SQL Server R Services

John Pertell runs into an issue reading a file on a network share using SQL Server R Services:

What I’m trying to do should be pretty easy. I want to use R code inside a stored procedure to read all the log files created by my weather program and store the results in a database. I also want to read the current monthly file on a regular basis, at least once a day. Once the data is in the database I’ll create some mobile reports with data and charts I can read on my phone. I’ll also be able to use my own data to play with local weather predicting. I thought it would make a pretty cool demo for my R sessions.

However when I run my stored procedure to read the logs I receive an error that there is no such file if I map the share as a drive, or I’m using an invalid parameter if I try to access the share directly.

Read on for code and the specific error message.