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Automating Deadlock Execution Plan Collection

Michael J. Swart comes up with a system to collect execution plans at the time of a deadlock and log them to a table for further research:

So How Do I Get To The Execution Plans?
So when I look at a deadlock graph, I can see there are sql_handles. Given that, I can grab the plan_handle and then the query plan from the cache, but I’m going to need to collect it automatically at the time the deadlock is generated. So I’m going to need

  • XML shredding skills

  • Ability to navigate DMVs to get at the cached query plans

  • A way to programatically respond to deadlock graph events (like an XE handler or a trigger)

If you don’t have the funding to get a third-party tool in place which collects this information, this could be a good fit.