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Curated SQL Posts

Optimizing Read Performance of Heaps

Uwe Ricken continues a series on heaps in SQL Server:

Heaps are not necessarily the developer’s favourite child, as they are not very performant, especially when it comes to selecting data (most people think so!). Certainly, there is something true about this opinion, but in the end, it is always the workload that decides it. In this article, I describe how a Heap works when data are selected. If you understand the process in SQL Server when reading data from a Heap, you can easily decide if a Heap is the best solution for your workload.

Uwe hits on a couple of the (few) use cases where heap performance can match and sometimes surpass clustered index performance.

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Backing Up Databases to Azure Blob Storage

David Fowler shows how you can back up databases to Azure Blob Storage:

SQL Server has given us the option to backup our databases directly to Azure BLOB storage for a while now but it’s not something that I’ve had all that much call to use until recently.

So this is just going to be a quick walk through on how you can backup your on premise SQL Servers to Azure BLOB storage. I’m going to assume that you’ve already got an Azure account, if you haven’t, you get set up a free trial which will see you good for this demo.

Performance typically won’t be as good as backing up locally to disk, so if you need the fastest backup performance and cloud storage, the best route would be to write backups to disk and have a separate process which migrates them to Blob Storage, S3, or wherever. But in many cases, doing this directly can work out just fine, especially if you are already using an Azure-based VM.

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OpenShift and SQL Server Big Data Clusters

Chris Adkin explains why support for OpenShift is important for SQL Server Big Data Clusters:

One thing that should become immediately apparent when installing and administering an OpenShift cluster, is that it is a lot more prescriptive and opinionated that vanilla Kubernetes. The simple reason for this is that OpenShift is intended to be deployed to environments that require enterprise grade levels of hardening and security. For example, Red Hat mandates the operating system distributions you must use, to the extent that when deploying a cluster on VMware – Red Hat’s documentation recommends the use of OVA’s, compressed files containing install-able virtual machines.

Read on for the full story.

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VM Firmware and Windows Secure Boot

David Klee gives us the lowdown on firmware specifications in virtual machines:

The Register is reporting that future versions of Windows Server OS is going to require the TPM 2.0 chip and Secure boot enabled by default. Secure boot is quite helpful to validate that servers boot into trusted environments. It sounds basic and straightforward, but if your VM administrators are not preparing for this change now, a much-overlooked setting in the hypervisor might backfire and you might not be able to enable this setting. That scenario would be a disaster if your security team suddenly issued a decree stating that you must enable this setting by some date.

Read on to see what this means if you’re using Hyper-V or VMware.

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Partitioning Tricks

Raul Gonzalez shows us five things you can do with partitioning in SQL Server:

Once we have rebuilt that old data to minimise its footprint and moved it to a cheaper storage tier, if we know no one will have to modify it, it’d be a good idea to make it READ_ONLY.

By making the data READ_ONLY, we can not only prevent accidental deletion or modification, but also reduce the workload required to maintain it, because as we’ve seen before, we can action index maintenance only on the READ_WRITE parts (partitions) of the data where fragmentation might still happen.

Read on for the rest of the tips and note that none of these are directly of the “Make your queries faster” variety, though a couple can have positive performance implications.

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Calculating Partitions for Processing Data Files in Apache Spark

Ajay Gupta digs into how to calculate the number of partitions the different Spark APIs use when reading from files:

Until recently, the process of picking up a certain number of partitions against a set of data files, always looked mysterious to me. However, recently, during an optimization routine, I wanted to change the default number of partitions picked by Spark for processing a set of data files, and that is when I started to decode this process comprehensively along with proofs. Hopefully, the description of this decoded process would also help the readers to understand Spark a bit deeper and would enable them to design an efficient and optimized Spark routine.

This is important information if you’re tuning Spark cluster performance.

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Apache Spark Connector for SQL Server

The SQL Server team announces an open-sourced Apache Spark connector for SQL Server:

The Apache Spark Connector for SQL Server and Azure SQL is based on the Spark DataSourceV1 API and SQL Server Bulk API and uses the same interface as the built-in JDBC Spark-SQL connector. This allows you to easily integrate the connector and migrate your existing Spark jobs by simply updating the format parameter! 

This appears to be different from the old Spark connector to Azure SQL Database and SQL Server. Also, for anyone potentially confused between it and PolyBase, this is going in the opposite direction: the Spark connector lets you access a SQL Server from an Apache Spark cluster, reading SQL Server’s data and processing it across a number of executor nodes. By contrast, PolyBase lets you read data stored in Spark SQL tables from SQL Server, virtualizing it so that it looks like a regular SQL Server table.

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Using PowerShell to Build Excel Files

Mike Bronowski takes us through the ImportExcel Powershell module:

Using Add-PivotTable is straightforward (and from now on I am closing the whole Excel). Note the Activate switch at the end. When you open the Excel file the worksheet that was used in the command will show up first.

A long while ago, I had put together Powershell code to do this kind of work with Excel, but back then we needed to use COM. This looks much simpler.

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Power BI On-Premises Data Gateway Error SpooledOperationMissing

Gilbert Quevauvilliers encounters an error:

I got the following error DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_SpooledOperationMissing”,”parameters”:{},”details”:[],”exceptionCulprit”:1

This error was caused because the current Virtual machine where the On-Premise Data Gateway was running was cloned and then started up.

Read on to learn about the implications and how Gilbert was able to solve this issue.

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