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Curated SQL Posts

The Importance of Planning before Power BI Data Modeling

Kelly Broekstra recommends against jumping right in:

Who has been told by a manager or business person to just connect to the source data and start creating a new report? Here is my tip:


All Power BI and Fabric reports must have a semantic model, which Microsoft describes as “a logical description of an analytical domain, with metrics, business-friendly terminology, and representation, to enable deeper analysis.” – Source

Read on to learn why and what you should instead do if you want to have a better long-term experience with Power BI.

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Viewing Total Storage Consumption in Microsoft Fabric

Gilbert Quevauvilliers builds a report:

One of the things I have found when working with my customers in Microsoft Fabric is that there is currently no way to easily view the total storage for the entire tenant.

Not only that, but it would also be time consuming and quite a challenge to then find out what is consuming the storage. Could it be large files or tables or warehouse tables?

In this blog post I will show you how using a Notebook you can get details of the storage across your Microsoft Fabric Tenant.

Click through for an image of the Power BI report and how you can get there.

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Supply Chain Analysis in R via planr

Matt Dancho shows off an R package:

Supply chain management is all about balancing supply and demand to ensure that inventory levels are optimized. Overestimating demand leads to excess stock, while underestimating it causes shortages. Accurate inventory projections allow businesses to plan ahead, make data-driven decisions, and avoid costly errors like over-buying inventory or getting into a stock-outage and having no inventory to meet demand.

Read on to learn more about the package and how it works. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Preparing a Fetch Operation in a Kafka Consumer

Danica Fine continues a series on Kafka internals:

Welcome back to the third installment of our blog series where we’re diving into the beautiful black box that is Apache Kafka® to better understand how we interact with the cluster through producer and consumer clients.

Earlier in the series, we took a look at the Kafka producer to see how the client works before following a produce request as it’s processed by the cluster.

In this post, we’ll switch our attention to Kafka Consumer clients to see how consumers interact with the brokers, coordinate their partitions, and send requests to read data from your Kafka topics.

Read on to see what it takes for a consumer to operate in Apache Kafka.

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Using Week-Based Calendars in Power BI

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari work in weeks:

Weekly calendars are common in manufacturing, retail, and any business that is sensitive to weekends or to the number of working days. For example, the scenario described in this article uses the number of pageviews on a website from 2019 to 2024, with data available until September 3, 2024. The website analyzed has a clear weekly trend, with slower traffic over the weekend, as shown in the following line chart with a daily granularity. It seems like a business website. A sports website would probably display the opposite trend.

Read on to see some of the challenges around week-based calendars. There’s a reason I have a “Dates and Numbers” category on Curated SQL and it’s exactly for things like this: some of the most common things we as humans work with are extremely complex and fraught with exceptions, including calendars.

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T-SQL Tuesday 179 Round-Up

Tim Mitchell hires some data detectives:

Earlier this month, I hosted the monthly T-SQL Tuesday invitation in which I asked, “What’s in your data detective toolkit?” We got some great responses which I’ll recap here, and I’ll share a few thoughts of my own at the end.

Click through this month’s responses, as well as Tim’s answer to the question.

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Fabric Shortcuts and P1 Capacity

Kristina Mishra takes us down an alley of pain:

If you’ve bought a P1 reserved capacity, you may have been told “No worries – it’s the same as an F64!” (Or really, this is probably the case for any P to F sku conversion.) Just as you suspected – that’s not entirely accurate. And if you are trying to create Fabric shortcuts on a storage account that uses a virtual network or IP filtering – it’s not going to work.

The problem seems to lie in the fact that P1 is not really an Azure resource in the same way an F sku is. So when you go to create your shortcut following all the recommend settings (more on that in a minute), you’ll wind up with some random authentication message like the one below “Unable to load. Error 403 – This request is not authorized to perform this operation”:

On the “oof” scale, this rates as “big oof.” Kristina shows some of the differences between P SKUs and F SKUs and why it matters, as well as two unpalatable solutions if you happen to be using a P SKU.

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Tips for Writing an Efficient Query

Ben Johnston has a plan:

The ability to write an efficient query starts with a well-designed database. If the database you are working with is poorly designed, your choices are limited. Even in those scenarios, you can still enhance your query design and follow best practices.

The goal of this post is to provide simple guidelines for writing efficient queries. These guidelines aren’t advanced SQL techniques. These are just the basics that anyone can use to write fast, efficient queries. There are many functions and keywords available in TSQL, so many scenarios aren’t covered by these guidelines. But – they are a good place to start for any query.

Click through for the process.

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The Pain of fn_xe_file_target_read_file

Tom Zika plants a flag:

I haven’t had a rant post in a while. There is a saying: “Anything before the word ‘but’ is ignored”. I love Extended Events, but … reading the extended event file is so much pain.

It feels like there is a conspiracy between Microsoft and Big Pharma SQL Monitoring because the best analytics tool available in SQL Server (and I mean Extended Events and Query Store of course) have the worst GUI and supporting tools. I’m focusing on XE in this post.

Read on for Tom’s rant. To add on to it, the feedback item Tom links to now has a new update from Dimitri Furman, indicating (based on how I’m reading it) that the fix will be in SQL vNext, not SQL Server 2022.