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Category: Visualization

Storytelling and the Brain

Kristyna Hughes recaps a presentation:

To turn our millions of dollars worth of data into actionable insights, we need to tell a story with it. Why a story? Storytelling has been and is a vital way humans understand and share the world around them. If numbers were as interesting and memorable as stories, our classic works of art would be the Pythagorean theorem instead of the Iliad and Odyssey. Listening to a story engages multiple parts of the brain, which is why listening to your great aunt’s story for hours is exhausting, but also why stories are more memorable. Here are the parts of the brain engaged when you hear a story:

There’s a lot to digest in this post, including ways to convert storytelling into data-driven insights.

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English and Japanese Vowels

John Cook plots vowels:

Vowel sounds can be visualized in a two-dimensional space according to tongue position. The vertical axis is runs from open down to closed, and the horizontal runs from front to back. See a linguistics textbook for far more detail.

English has five vowel letters, but a lot more than five vowel sounds. Scholars argue about how many vowel sounds English and other languages have because there’s room for disagreement on how much two sounds can differ and still be considered variations on the same sound. The IPA Handbook [1] lists 11 vowel sounds in American English, not counting diphthongs.

Click through for comparative charts and some bonus expertise in the comments.

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Using Google Fonts on RMarkdown Pages

Thomas Williams has a change of font:

Setting a different font is a minor tweak to an R Markdown file that might help it fit better with a corporate or company look. Google Fonts is an industry-accepted method to reference fonts on web pages and can be used with R Markdown rendered by Shiny. There’s no need to download anything while developing the R Markdown file in RStudio, or viewing it in a web browser from a Shiny server.

I’ve recently used this technique to integrate the “Atkinson Hyperlegible” font, a font with “…greater legibility and readability for low vision readers…” from Since Shiny themes already specify a font, the steps below show how to override that with the Google Font, demo’d with the spacelab Shiny theme.

Click through to see how you can use this font, as well as others, in Shiny apps.

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Tooltips on Power BI Pages

Teo Lachev offers some help:

Want to display visual-left hint to perplexed users that explains what your visual is supposed to reveal? Like me, you have missed the handy Power BI help tooltips feature that allows you to pop up some helpful text for each visual.

This works best for blocks of information a person needs to see once. Rather than it showing up every time you visit the page, make it available via a tooltip. You’ll want to make sure the tooltip is readily visible for people new to the report but not so overwhelming that it annoys people who already know how this thing works. That, however, is a completely different challenge.

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Parameter Reloading in RMarkdown

Thomas Williams wants to improve the user experience:

Recently I needed to reload a parameter, without reloading the page. The parameter was bound to a data frame, where end-users selected a value and then I looked up other fields in the data frame further down the page (for example, a name was selected, but I wanted the identifier from the same record). It wasn’t exactly intuitive, so here’s how I did it.

Click through for code and explanation.

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The Bullet Chart

Amy Esselman explains what bullet charts are and when they are useful:

A bullet graph, or a bullet chart, is a variation of a bar chart, typically consisting of a primary bar layered on top of a secondary stack of less-prominent bars. Bullet graphs are best used for making comparisons, such as showing progress against a target or series of thresholds. For example, an organization may want to measure the current year’s sales against a goal, while contrasting it with the performance of the prior year. 

Bullet graphs leverage our familiarity with bar graphs to deliver a lot of information in a compact space. If you want to display metric performance against a goal or reference point, a bullet graph offers a nicely consolidated design. 

Read on for examples and alternatives.

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Simplifying a Shrinkage Report

Mike Cisneros cleans up a complex visual made up of less complex visuals:

There are opportunities to improve this visual, but I appreciate that the graph is appropriately titled, that the legend is clear and easy to find, and that the most recent data point is the only one that is labeled. On its own, it’s an acceptable view of the data, albeit one that could be strengthened.

When this visual is considered in its greater context, however, the need to improve the legibility of this graph becomes obvious.

These charts are generated at multiple levels of geographic and thematic detail. Each one is then shared as part of one large report, with almost no visual variation from region to region, level to level, or week to week:

There’s a lot going for that redesign.

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Keyboard Focus on Controls in Shiny

Thomas Williams wants to take control:

It is possible – though not the default – set set keyboard focus on load to a control in an R Markdown web page rendered with Shiny.

Setting keyboard focus when an R Markdown page is loaded is beneficial to users, who can start interacting with the page without having to first click the control.

Click through to learn how. This is one of the biggest losses we have in the GUI era: that you have a mouse necessitates using the mouse for everything. But that’s a “get off my lawn” rant for another day.

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Setting a Loading Message for a DataTable in RMarkdown

Thomas Williams wants you to wait patiently:

Waits are inevitable, whether getting data from an API or database, or manipulating data in an interactive R Markdown document. Showing a “loading” or “updating” message is a beneficial incremental improvement to users’ experience.

The code at, when run from RStudio, demonstrates using CSS and pseudo-elements to display text in a DataTables (DT package).

Read on to see an example of how to use this.

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