Taryn Pratt shares an issue with columnstore cleanup in SQL Server 2019:
The output of
was repeatedly showingGHOST CLEANUP
. Over and over and over again. To be clear, I’m not a clustered columnstore expert, I know enough to be able to maintain them as needed. I went to Twitter and mentioned what I was seeing. I was advised by @sqL_handLe to try trace flag 661 which disables the ghost record removal process, and by Joe Obbish via Erik Darling to enable trace flag 634 to disable the tuple mover background task.Initially, we enabled trace flag 634, but the logs continued to grow. We disabled trace flag 634. Then we enabled trace flag 661, and the logs continued to grow, so we disabled it. Finally, we tried enabling both of the trace flags. The big jumps stopped, but we now had about 400GB of logs that needed to be written to the reporting cluster before we could perform the failover.
While the logs were exploding we wondered if whatever was happening might have been caused by the deletions we did in early February. But why would they be triggered by the upgrade to SQL Server 2019?
Read the whole thing if you’re looking at a migration to 2019.
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