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Category: Temporal Tables

Transactional Replication And Temporal Tables

Transactional replication found Drew Furgiuele’s little black book of T-SQL syntax and went ballistic when it found out Drew was seeing temporal tables on the side:

So let’s say you ran this script (or, maybe someone checked it in as a database change to production). For a while, things are great: you’re making changes to data on your publisher and things are flowing nicely to your subscribers. Sooner or later though, someone’s going to ask you to set up a new subscription (or maybe you need to reinitialize one). Let’s simulate that on my lab: we’re going to remove Person.Address from replication and we’re going to put it back, and then create a snapshot. The key difference here is that now, Person.Address has system versioning turned on. When we try and add the table back to the publication, we’re in for a shock:

This could come back to bite you, so if you use replication and are interested in temporal tables, read this closely.

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Cleaning Up Erroneous Data Using Temporal Tables

Bert Wagner shows how to use a temporal table to clean up incorrectly entered data if you already have a temporal table in place:

The good news is that all of your data is still intact — it’s been copied over to the historical table. Phew!

Now all you need to do is rollback this inadvertent row insertion and make your tables look just like you did before you started breaking them.

This should be easy right?

Well not exactly — there’s no automatic way to roll back the data in a temporal table. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t write some clever queries to accomplish the same thing.

Read the whole thing, as there’s a multi-step process.

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Versioning R Code In SQL Server

Steph Locke shows how to combine R models and SQL Server temporal tables for versioning:

If we’re storing our R model objects in SQL Server then we can utilise another SQL Server capability, temporal tables, to take the pain out of versioning and make it super simple.

Temporal tables will track changes automatically so you would overwrite the previous model with the new one and it would keep a copy of the old one automagically in a history table. You get to always use the latest version via the main table but you can then write temporal queries to extract any version of the model that’s ever been implemented. Super neat!

I do exactly this.  In my case, it’s to give me the ability to review those models after the fact once I know whether they generated good outcomes or not.

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Building Temporal Tables

Bert Wagner shows how to create a temporal table in SQL Server 2016:

I want to make my life easier by using temporal tables! Take my money and show me how!

I’m flattered by your offer, but since we are good friends I’ll let you in on these secrets for free.

First let’s create a temporal table. I’m thinking about starting up a car rental business, so let’s model it after that:

There are some places where temporal tables can get better (particularly around feeling more like a type 2 slowly changing dimension), but I’m pretty happy with this feature.

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Change Detection Temporal Tables

Adam Machanic shows how to find net changes using temporal tables:

For now, consider the following set of propositions, given that we’re asking at time Y for all changes since a prior time X.

  • INSERT: The key did not exist at time X but does exist at time Y.
  • DELETE: The key existed at time X but does not exist at time Y.
  • UPDATE: The key existed at both time X and at time Y, and at least one change occurred between time X and time Y.

Given these assumptions, we can begin work on a temporal queries that return the necessary rows. Solving for these conditions will require all rows that were active as of time X, rows that were (or are) active at time Y, and for the final case, all rows that were active in-between times X and Y. Since this is a range-based scenario, our best Temporal predication option will be either FROM or BETWEEN. The difference between these two is subtle: FROM uses an open interval (non-inclusive at both endpoints), whereas BETWEEN uses a half-open interval, inclusive on the end date. Given the choice in the scenario, BETWEEN makes more sense, as we can take advantage of the inclusive endpoint to avoid dropping a badly-timed row. But more on that in a moment.

Adam put a lot of thought into edge cases, making this a must-read.

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Temporal Tables

Alex Grinberg has a tutorial on temporal tables, including combining temporal tables with In-Memory OLTP:

Although the process of converting an In-Memory Optimized OLTP table to a system-versioned table is similar, there are some differences that we need to cover and demonstrate in this section.

You need to be aware of some specific details when converting the in-memory optimized table to the system-versioned table

Read on for those specifics.

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Temporal Tables For Error Recovery

Dimitri Furman looks at using temporal tables to recover from user errors:

Have you ever got that sinking feeling after hitting the Execute button in SSMS, thinking “I should not have done that”? DML statements with missing WHERE clause, DROP statements accidentally targeting slightly mistyped (but existing) tables or databases, RESTORE statements overwriting databases with new data that haven’t been backed up, are all examples of actions prompting an “Oops…” (or worse) shortly thereafter. “Oops recovery” is the term that became popular to describe the process of fixing the consequences.

For most of these scenarios, the usual, and often the only, recovery mechanism is to restore the database from backup to a point in time just before the “oops”, known as point-in-time recovery (PITR). Even though PITR remains the most general and the most effective recovery mechanism, it does have some drawbacks and limitations: the recovery process requires a full database restore, taking the time proportional to the size of the database; a sequence of restores may be needed if multiple “oops” transactions have occurred; in the general case, there will be difficulties reconciling recovered data with data modified after the “oops” point in time, etc. Nevertheless, PITR remains the most widely applicable recovery method for SQL Server databases, both on-premises and in the cloud.

The solution entails a non-trivial amount of effort, but it is interesting.

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Compression On Temporal Tables

Daniel Janik notes that system-generated temporal tables automatically use page-level compression:

At first I was a bit puzzled. I noticed that the system generated table was consistently smaller than my user created table. It was not only smaller it was twice as small!

I did some further testing on my Surface this weekend and here’s what I found:

— Side note:  I use Person.Address a lot in demos, so I decided to create a new table to test with in hopes of not breaking any other demos I do regularly.

I think this is a good decision for a default, but if you are unable to support page-level compression for some reason, there’s a workaround:  create your history table beforehand.

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Connect Items Around Temporal Tables

Adam Machanic has a roundup of Connect items pertaining to temporal tables in SQL Server 2016:

I’ve been thinking a lot about SQL Server 2016 temporal tables of late. I think it’s possibly the most compelling feature in the release, with broad applications across a number of different use cases. However, just like any v.1 feature, it’s not without its faults.

I created a couple of new Connect items and decided to see what other things people had submitted. I combed the list and came up with a bunch of interesting items, all of which I think have great merit. Following is a summary of what I found. I hope you’ll consider voting these items up and hopefully we can push Microsoft to improve the feature in forthcoming releases.

I particularly like the idea about dropped column retention, at least as an optional feature.  If temporal tables are interesting to you, click through and check out these Connect items.

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Temporal Database Theory

Kennie Pontoppidan reads and reviews a book on temporal database theory:

I have chosen to blog about Richard T. Snodgrass’ book “Developing time-oriented database applications in SQL.” I heard about this book last year around this time, when I started to investigate the new temporal feature “System versioned tables” in SQL Server 2016. I believe it was my old colleague Peter Gram from Miracle who pointed out the book to me, and usually when Peter recommends a book, I buy it and (eventually) read it. It was also about time (no pun intended), since I’m giving a talk on “All things time-related” for two SQL Saturdays during the next few months, and I needed to spice up the presentation with some new material.

In this blog post, I will quickly scratch down a few of the takeaways, I have taken from the book already.

Sounds like an interesting read.

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