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Category: T-SQL


Andy Levy discusses the SET NOCOUNT operation:

So what happened here?  When you execute a query against SQL Server, both your data and some additional information is sent back to the client. This additional information is sent via a separate channel which is accessible via the SqlConnection.InfoMessages (or if you’re still using classic ADO, the InfoMessage) event. When you run queries in SSMS, you see this information in the Messages tab of the results pane most often as X row(s) affected.

That’s where my new stored procedures were causing problems. Where the original procedures were returning only one event which corresponded to the number of records returned by the single query in each procedure. But now that I’m loading temp tables, I’m getting multiple messages back – at a minimum, a count of the records affected when loading the temp table plus a count of the records returned to the calling application.

Data layers which can’t handle information streams are rare, but they do show up in the wild sometimes.

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Louis Davidson looks at a couple edge cases with the STRING_SPLIT function in SQL Server 2016:

But what about the two versions of an empty value? ” (zero-length/empty string) and NULL. My NULL sense told me that the NULL one would return a single row with NULL, and the empty string would return a single empty string row.  Of course, I was wrong, and it makes sense why (a row of NULL would be really annoying, especially if you want to use the output as an exclusion list, because A NOT IN (SET(B,NULL)) always returns NULL, not TRUE. )

For example, say the output could include NULL. You could end up with something like the following, where even though the input value of A is not in the NOT IN list, no rows are returned:

Click through for more details.

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Two-Way T Tests

Mala Mahadevan shows how to write a two-way T test in R and T-SQL:

I can do the same calculation of T value using T-SQL. I cannot calculate p value from TSQL as that comes from a table, but it is possible to look it up. I imported the set of values into a table called WalkingSteps with two columns, walkerAsteps and walkerBsteps. For doing the math on T value the formula stated here may be useful. My T-SQL code is as below

The R code is a bit shorter, although the T-SQL code isn’t bad either.

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Solving Math Problems With T-SQL

Erik Darling shows the Collatz Conjecture in T-SQL:

The only problem in there that could really be written in SQL was the Collatz Conjecture. It states that when you take any number, and if it’s even you divide it by 2, and if it’s odd you multiply it by 3 and add 1, you’ll always eventually end up with 1. Fair enough. There’s probably a use for that out somewhere out there.

Writing it in SQL was super easy, of course. Just throw a CASE expression at it.

I think Erik is a little harsh on SQL as a mathematical language.  Yeah, there are other languages I’d go to first for many types of math problems (R, F#, and Python being examples), but SQL can solve quite a few mathematical problems.

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Comments And Performance

Aaron Bertrand looks at whether comments affect query performance:

Every once in a while, a conversation crops up where people are convinced that comments either do or don’t have an impact on performance.

In general, I will say that, no, comments do not impact performance, but there is always room for an “it depends” disclaimer.

I’m glad that there’s no appreciable difference.  Even if there were, good comments are valuable enough to make me not care about performance implications.  But fortunately, that’s not a trade-off I have to make.

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Computing Holidays

Gerald Britton has a few ways of calculating holidays for date dimensions:

Notice also that I use CROSS APPLY as an expression evaluator.  This keeps the code a little DRY-er.  In OOP-speak, I’ve encapsulated what varies.

Now that I’ve got a basic date table, let’s see about updating those holiday columns.   I’ll do it with an UPDATE command here, though it is possible to make them computed also — it just gets a little messy since there are so many different holidays with different calculations.  Let’s start with Thanksgiving.  In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October.  In the US, it’s the fourth Thursday in November.  I’ve seen some interesting approaches to solving the problem.  One (for US Thanksgiving) looks like this:

I like the Easter formula.  Click through for details.

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Concatenation Using CONCAT

Neil Gelder has a look at the CONCAT() function in SQL Server 2012:

This function removes all need to convert values just to concatenate text and string values together, but for some reason whenever I see code posted on various websites, even from SQL Server MVP’s they seem never to utilise this function.

One excellent use for this is when you attempting to created the SQL Statement for a dynamic SQL execution.  Instead of the usual conversions and + signs joining the text and parameters together its far simpler.

CONCAT is one of my favorite T-SQL enhancements from 2012 (after window functions).

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The Halloween Problem

Kenneth Fisher explains the Halloween Problem:

What is The Halloween Problem?
This is a bit more complicated. Let’s say you are trying to give a 10% raise to everyone who makes less than $25k.

Couple of quick notes here. This is a common example because this in fact the problem that exposed the issue. Also, while UPDATEs are probably the easiest way to explain what’s going on, it can affect any type of write.

So back to our update statement. There are several ways this could be implemented. I’m going to use pseudo T-SQL to demonstrate a couple and explain each.

This has certain implications as you can see in the linked Paul White series.  These implications typically mean slower performance (e.g., by forcing spooling) but getting rid of a potentially nasty problem.

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Extended Properties

Phil Factor has a detailed article on extended properties:

Extended properties are easy to read, thanks to a useful system view. Sys.extended_properties. However, they are a pain to create, update and delete; they rely on special stored procedures that have a syntax that isn’t at all intuitive for those of us without mutant mental powers. They have a limit of 7,500 characters but are actually stored in a SQL_variant so that DateTime, Approximate numeric, exact numeric, character, Unicode and binary information can be stored in it. Most of us use some sort of tool such as SSMS to maintain this documentation rather than to do it via SQL. The SQL is cumbersome.

Extended properties was an interesting idea but there was so little tooling available to make them really useful.  I don’t see that changing.

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