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Category: T-SQL

Document Templates in SQL

Sebastiao Pereira fills in the blanks:

In some industries, there is a series of repeated content stored about a specific topic, i.e., contracts, terms and conditions, legal agreements, lease agreements, bills, etc., with only minor differences. With these documents, there is a need to just replace specific keywords. What is the most efficient way to maintain consistency, data accuracy, and optimize storage?

This is a technique I’ve used a few times, and there’s no real trick to it: just pick something as your tag identifier that will never appear in the text itself.

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Execution Plans for Keyset Cursors

Hugo Kornelis talks about a cursor I’d never heard of before:

Welcome to plansplaining, part 32, where we once more look at cursors. We already discussed the basics, and looked at static cursors and dynamic cursors. It is now time to cast our gaze upon the keyset cursor. The keyset cursor is sort of in between the static cursor (which presents a snapshot of the data is at was when the cursor was opened and disregards future changes) and the dynamic cursor (that always shows the current data). To be precise, a keyset cursor sees changes made to already existing rows, but does not see new rows that were added after the cursor was opened.

Read on to learn more about it.

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Performance Tuning XML Operations in SQL Server

Ed Pollack does a bit of tuning:

SQL Server provides a variety of ways to tune XML so that it provides consistent performance, consumes less space, all while ensuring efficient access to critical data.

At its core, the metadata-styled XML format runs counter to the data that SQL Server is optimized to manage. Therefore, additional features were added to SQL Server over time that allowed for XML data to be indexed and compressed.

While these features are critical for managing XML data as it becomes large, it is important to remember what XML is intended for and why it is (loosely) structured as it is. Many data professionals have used shortcuts when XML was small, such as storing and analyzing it in string format, only to be forced to reckon with performance challenges when scanning large strings become agonizingly slow.

Read on for the full article.

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Approximate Percentiles in SQL Server 2022

Chad Callihan tries out a big improvement:

How do you go about finding the median percentile of a data set? What if you need the top x percentile? Both the APPROX_PERCENTILE_CONT and APPROX_PERCENTILE_DISC functions can be used to solve these questions.

Let’s look at how we can use each and what makes them unique.

The approximate percentiles are guaranteed to be accurate to within a certain percentage, something like 3-5%, if I remember correctly–it’s higher than HyperLogLog’s ~2.5% but not so large as to be of low value. If you’ve ever tried to calculate a median or other percentile like the 75th or 95th percentile, you might have used PERCENTILE_CONT() in the past. At least until you get a few million rows in the table, at which point you stopped using it. My joke is, once you reach a certain table size, PERCENTILE_CONT() becomes so slow that it’s faster to install and configure SQL Server ML Services, learn R or Python, and send in the data to calculate a percentile than to wait for PERCENTILE_CONT() to complete.

The APPROX_PERCENTILE_* series is way, way faster. On reasonable-sized test cases of a couple million rows or so, my recollection is two orders of magnitude better performance, so long as you can deal with being off by a few percentage points. One of the best scenarios for something like this is calculating 95th percentile response times. Does it really matter that the actual response time was 187.5ms and SQL Server said 192.6 or 181.4? Probably not—you get a good idea of the magnitude, and that’s the important part here.

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UNISTR() and || in Azure SQL Database

Abhiman Tiwari announces a new function and a new operator:

We are excited to announce that the UNISTR intrinsic function and ANSI SQL concatenation operator (||) are now available in public preview in Azure SQL Database. The UNISTR function allows you to escape Unicode characters, making it easier to work with international text. The ANSI SQL concatenation operator (||) provides a simple and intuitive way to combine characters or binary strings. These new features will enhance your ability to manipulate and work with text data. 

Click through to learn more about both. Honestly, I’d rather stick with CONCAT() versus using || because of how CONCAT() handles NULL without me having to check every operand first.

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Generating Data in SQL Server based on Distributions

Rick Dobson builds some data:

I support a data science team that often asks for datasets with different distribution values in uniform, normal, or lognormal shapes. Please present and demonstrate the T-SQL code for populating datasets with random values from each distribution type. I also seek graphical and statistical techniques for assessing how a random sample corresponds to a distribution type.

This is an interesting article, though if you want a set-based version of generating data according to a normal distribution, I have a blog post where I translated the RBAR version into something that performs a bit better. Converting to log-normal form also makes a lot of intuitive sense.

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Using the CONVERT() Function in T-SQL

Joe Gavin shows how to use a function:

A common task while working with data in Microsoft SQL Server is converting from one data type to another. Most often, it’s done to change the way data is presented, but sometimes it is needed to make sure the right data types are being used for comparisons, joins, or sorting.

The SQL CONVERT function, which has long been part of the SQL language, and as the name implies, can be used to convert a value of one data type into a specified data type with optional formatting attributes. CONVERT gives you the ability to format, whereas the ISO Compliant CAST function does not.

My very strong recommendation for 99% or so of the audience: use TRY_CONVERT() instead. TRY_CONVERT() came out in SQL Server 2012 (sorry for the 1% stuck pre-2012) and has the same performance profile as CONVERT(), except that, when conversion fails, TRY_CONVERT() returns NULL rather than throwing an error.

There is also a TRY_CAST() that does exactly what you think it would.

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Concatenating Strings and (N)VARCHAR Truncation

Vlad Drumea troubleshoots a common problem:

The code in this case is the GetStatsInfoForWholeDB.sql script that’s part of PSBlitz’s resources.
This script is used for, you wouldn’t believe by the name alone, getting statistics information for a specific database.

Due to the fact that it might be ran on Azure or on older versions of SQL Server, as well as on databases with incremental statistics, the best option for it was to use dynamic SQL.

In this case it uses a variable @SQL defined as NVARCHAR(MAX) to store the query that’s built at runtime and execute it via EXEC.

Read on for one of the most common issues you may run into around generating dynamic SQL.

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The Joy of the Common Table Expression

Kevin Wilkie talks common table expressions:

Most of our coding these days has Common Table Expressions, also known as CTEs. If not, you’re either working on an older version of SQL Server or you haven’t been introduced to this piece of goodness.

CTEs can make reading SQL queries a lot easier if the logic is convoluted. For example, let’s use the following in a CTE.

I’ll admit that I probably over-use common table expressions, but I like them more than sub-queries—I find them easier to read, and if they’re going to perform as well (or poorly) as sub-queries, I’d might as well use the form that makes more intuitive sense to me.

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OPTIMIZE FOR vs Forced Plans in SQL Server

Erik Darling makes a comparison:

I often see clients using forced plans or plan guides (yes, even still, to this day) to deal with various SQL Server performance problems with plans changing.

There’s usually an execution plan or two floating around that seems to be a good general idea for a given query, and a couple weird high-end and low-end outliers for very specific populations of values.

Read the whole thing, of course.

In defense of plan guides, the company I used to work for had a few—maybe three or four in total—because of really weird data skew problems on database 106 out of 700 (or so)—because there’s always one customer that makes wildly different use of the system than everyone else. And so a query that worked perfectly fine for 699 databases (or so) flops like a fish out of water for this one database with this one customer’s data in it. So the plan guide was a nicer expediency than optimizing for mediocre on all 700 (or so) databases.

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