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Category: T-SQL

Using VALUES for Multi-Record Operations

Daniel Hutmacher explains some of what you can do with the VALUES clause:

Note the commas at the end of each line, denoting that a new row begins here. Because this runs as a single statement, the INSERT runs as an atomic operation, meaning that all rows are inserted, or none at all (like if there’s a syntax issue or a constraint violation).

I use this construct all the time to generate scripts to import data from various external sources, like Excel, or even a result set in Management Studio or Azure Data Studio.

Daniel also has a new app for us to try out.

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CTEs Don’t Control Plan Shape

Erik Darling dispels a myth:

I’ve heard many times incorrectly over the years that CTEs somehow materialize data.

But a new one to me was that CTEs execute procedurally, and you could use that to influence plan shapes by always doing certain things first.

Unfortunately, that’s not true of them either, even when you use TOP.

Read the whole thing. Though I do chain common table expressions for readability’s sake, but that’s usually because I’m performing a series of repetitive calculations that I can’t simplify via APPLY.

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I Remember Halloween

Jared Poche experiences Halloween problem protection:

Simple enough so far. The scan is against a memory optimized table variable, and the filter to the left our our seeks and scans check for a change to our value. Nothing left but to update the index and…


Wait, what’s all this? We have a Split operator after our Clustered Index Update. SQL Server does sometime turn an UPDATE statement into effectively a DELETE and INSERT if the row needs to move, but this seems a bit much. We have a total of 4 index update/delete operators now, and they aren’t cheap.

My very simple addition to the WHERE clause actually caused a small increase in duration, and a big jump in CPU. So what’s going on?

Read on to see the cause and what Jared was able to do about it.

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NVARCHAR Everywhere

I get to put on my contrarian hat:

In the last episode of Shop Talk, I laid out an opinion which was…not well received. So I wanted to take some time and walk through my thinking a little more cogently than I was able to do during Shop Talk.

Here’s the short version. When you create a table and need a string column, you have a couple options available: VARCHAR and NVARCHAR. Let’s say that you’re a developer creating a table to store this string data. Do you choose VARCHAR or NVARCHAR? The classic answer is, “It depends.” And so I talk about why that is in video format right below these words.

I have a video which goes into detail, plus a bunch of words. Plus mice and banjos. 🐭🪕

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Uses of ROLLUP and CUBE

Greg Dodd wraps up a series on ROLLUP and CUBE:

I don’t think ROLLUP has a great use in the real world (feel free to comment below if you have a real use for it). The best I can see is that you have SQL Server emailing the results of a query to someone and they want subtotals. Adding totals can be done by any reporting app, probably more efficiently than SQL will do it, and it’s probably easier to debug there as well.

I do, however, think CUBE has an amazing purpose.

The funny thing is, I disagree and find ROLLUP a lot more useful than CUBE because ROLLUP gives me aggregations along a hierarchy. If I set up my GROUP BY clause correctly, I can see the results of my Product Category –> Product Subcategory –> Product hierarchy quite easily. Yeah, I can also do this in reporting, but if I just need a quick printout or need to do something special with the subtotals, ROLLUP is great. I definitely use GROUPING SETS more than ROLLUP and CUBE combined, but I’ve had production code useROLLUP and, to the best of my recollection, never have I created a procedure or report which is based off of CUBE.

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An Overview of the T-SQL Script DOM

Dan Guzman provides a public service:

Scripts are parsed by invoking the Parse method of T-SQL script DOM library TSqlParser class. The parser understands the complex T-SQL abstract syntax tree and splits T-SQL source into atomic TSqlParserTokens of TSqlTokenTypes that represent keywords, identifiers, punctuation, literals, whitespace, etc. These low-level tokens are grouped into more meaningful TSqlFragment objects that represent language elements of the script DOM, such as batches, statements, clauses, etc. Fragments, rather than the low-level parser tokens, are most often used in practice, although the underlying tokens are available for specialized requirements

The Parse method returns a TSqlFragment object of type TSqlScript containing all fragments within the script. This top-level fragment of the DOM hierarchy provides programmatic access to all language element fragments in the script. Nearly 1,000 different fragment types exist today due to the many granular T-SQL language elements.

Dan provides several examples of how to use the script DOM, making this a must-read if you’re interested in writing code around SQL Server.

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The Rollup and Cube Operators

Greg Dodd digs into the ROLLUP and CUBE operators in a two-parter. First, ROLLUP:

As you can see, we now have these null’s popping up, but with totals. Row 5 for example, tells us that in 2017 there were 1,427,461 people living in Hawaii. Row 11 tells us that there are 2,438,188 people living in Rhode Island and Hawaii in 2017. Row 22 tells us that there were 2,429,070 people living in Rhode Island and Hawaii in 2018, and finally row 23 tells us that in total there have been 4,867,268 people in 2017 and 2018. This last row is a bit useless for this data as the overlap of those people would be huge, but for something like sales data, this number could be useful.

Next, CUBE:

For those with a keen eye you’ll see that I’ve started at row 28 in that screenshot. When we run the GROUP BY without ROLLUP or CUBE we get just 16 rows. With ROLLUP that grows to 23, but with CUBE it explodes out to 57. Why?

I’ve used ROLLUP several times with proper hierarchical data (e.g., product category, product sub-category, product) and it does an excellent job of summarizing that sort of data. CUBE has always returned too many rows for my liking. But the operator I go to most frequently is GROUPING SETS, as then I get to control the levels.

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Updated SQL Server Diagnostic Queries

Glenn Berry has an updated set of DMV queries for us:

These are my SQL Server Diagnostic Information Queries for June 2020, aka my DMV Diagnostic Queries. They allow you to get a very comprehensive view of the configuration and performance of your SQL Server instance in a short amount of time. There are separate versions of these T-SQL queries for SQL Server 2005 through SQL Server 2019. I also have separate versions for SQL Managed Instance and Azure SQL Database. My diagnostic queries have been used by many people around the world since 2009. I make regular improvements to these queries each month.

This is one of my favorite methods for learning about a new SQL Server instance.

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