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Category: T-SQL

Bug with Halloween Protection and the OUTPUT Clause

Paul White writes up a bug report:

Looking at the execution plan, it is hard to see how deleting a row (at the Clustered Index Delete) then inserting it again (at the Clustered Index Insert) could possibly result in a duplicate key in the index. Remember there is only one row, one column, and one index.

Logically, the only way this error can occur is if the Delete operator does not delete the row.

Read the whole thing. It’s probably not something you’ll ever come across yourself, hopefully.

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Why IS NOT NULL is a Range Predicate

Erik Darling drops knowledge on us:

Why is IS NULL (not to be confused with ISNULL, the function) considered in equality predicate, and IS NOT NULL considered an inequality (or range) predicate?

It seems like they should be fairly equivalent, though opposite. One tests for a lack of values, and one tests for the presence of values, with no further examination of what those values are.

The trickier thing is that we can seek to either condition, but what happens next WILL SHOCK YOU.

This is my shocked face.

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Splitting Data with T-SQL

Chris Hyde shows a few techniques for splitting out data into training, testing, and validation sets:

We see right away that this method failed horribly as all of the data was placed into the same dataset. This holds true no matter how many times we execute the code, and it happens because the RAND() function is only evaluated once for the whole query, and not individually for each row. To correct this we’ll instead use a method that Jeff Moden taught me at a SQL Saturday in Detroit several years ago – generating a NEWID() for each row, using the CHECKSUM() function to turn it into a random number, and then the % (modulus) function to turn it into a number between 0 and 99 inclusive.

I’d have to test it out, but I’d think you could modify method 3 to include a CROSS APPLY to perform one ABS(CHECKSUM(NEWID()) and get exact counts that way without a temp table.

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The Limits of LEN (or REPLICATE)

Pamela Mooney takes us through a quandry:

I was using LEN() to troubleshoot an issue I was having with a dynamically constructed string truncating while inserting into an NVARCHAR(MAX) column.  Since I know that NVARCHAR(MAX) has a 2 GB limit (goodness only knows how many characters that is!),  I couldn’t explain the truncation.  A colleague suggested doing a test with another dynamically constructed string.  Maybe then, I could find where the cutoff was occurring.

Great idea!

So, I came up with a plan.

Click through for the plan, but be sure to read Pamela’s comment at the bottom as there’s a bit more to the story.

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Creating Evenly-Sized Batches from Groups

Daniel Hutmacher has a variant on the islands problem as well as the bin-packing problem:

My aim with this post is to split the dataset into batches of roughly 100 rows each.

DECLARE @target_rowcount bigint=100;

I say “roughly”, because we’re not allowed to split a transaction so that a group (grouping_column_1, grouping_column_2) appears in more than one batch, although a batch can obviously contain more than one group. This means that by necessity, some of the batches are going to be slightly under 100 rows and some are going to be slightly over.

Read on for a good solution to the problem. Daniel mentions places where performance could be better, though this feels like the kind of task you don’t necessarily run all that frequently.

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Areas of Improvement for DROP TABLE

Michael J. Swart points out a few foibles about the DROP TABLE syntax:

I was looking at the docs for DROP TABLE and I noticed this in the syntax: [ ,...n ]. I never realized that you can drop more than one table in a statement.

I think that’s great. When dropping tables one at a time. You always had to be careful about order when foreign keys were involved. Alas, you still have to care about order.

That is a shame. Michael also includes a few other places where DROP TABLE could be made better, so check it out.

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Iterating over JSON and XML Data in SQL Server

Steve Stedman explains how you can iterate through XML and JSON data using the APPLY operator:

The results are what we are looking for in this specific example, but where they break down is when there are more employees represented in the XML, for each employee we need to add another UNION to bring the results together. That is not very iterative and since the title of this post includes the word iterating, we need to focus on how to do that.

Now we introduce the CROSS APPLY functionality that can be used like a JOIN to take a value from one result set (table) and apply it to a function that gets called once for each row. You can reference my JOIN TYPES poster for using CROSS APPLY

Click through for the full set of examples.

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Derived Table Nesting and Performance

Itzik Ben-Gan digs into some of the performance considerations around nested derived tables:

Unnesting/substitution of table expressions is a process of taking a query that involves nesting of table expressions, and as if substituting it with a query where the nested logic is eliminated. I should stress that in practice, there’s no actual process in which SQL Server converts the original query string with the nested logic to a new query string without the nesting. What actually happens is that the query parsing process produces an initial tree of logical operators closely reflecting the original query. Then, SQL Server applies transformations to this query tree, eliminating some of the unnecessary steps, collapsing multiple steps into fewer steps, and moving operators around. In its transformations, as long as certain conditions are met, SQL Server can shift things around across what were originally table expression boundaries—sometimes effectively as if eliminating the nested units. All of this in attempt to find an optimal plan.

In this article I cover both cases where such unnesting takes place, as well as unnesting inhibitors. That is, when you use certain query elements it prevent SQL Server from being able to move logical operators in the query tree, forcing it to process the operators based on the boundaries of the table expressions used in the original query.

That’s on my list for a second reading.

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Ambiguous Columns in Queries when Using One Table

Dave Bland shows how easy it is to get the “Ambiguous column name” error message when querying from a single table:

When I added the “*”, this is where I received unexpected results.  All I did was add the “*”.  Looking at the code below, you can see SQL Server is having issues with the Name column in the ORDER BY.

I do wish SQL had a symbol representing “everything else,” where the engine of choice would include all columns except those explicitly named. I know there’d be trickiness around things like “LTRIM(ColumnA) AS TrimmedColumnA” but that’d be for the language designers to figure out…

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