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Category: T-SQL

An UPSERT Pattern to Avoid

Aaron Bertrand doesn’t like a common insert/update pattern:

I think everyone already knows my opinions about MERGE and why I stay away from it. But here’s another (anti-)pattern I see all over the place when people want to perform an upsert (update a row if it exists and insert it if it doesn’t):

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dbo.t WHERE [key] = @key) BEGIN
UPDATE dbo.t SET val = @val WHERE [key] = @key;
INSERT dbo.t([key], val) VALUES(@key, @val);

This looks like a pretty logical flow that reflects how we think about this in real life:

Does a row already exist for this key?
YES: OK, update that row.
NO: OK, then add it.

Click through to learn why this is a bad idea.

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Generating Predictions with SQL Server ML Services

Jeffin Mathew walks us through SQL Server Machine Learning Services:

The purpose of this blog is to explore the process of running ML predictions on SQL server using Python. We are going to train and test the data to predict information about bike sharing for a specific year. We are going to be using the provided 2011 data and predict what 2012 will result in. The 2012 data already exists inside the dataset, so we will be able to compare the predicted to the actual amount.

For certain use cases—especially when the data already exists in SQL Server, and especially especially when you can use native scoring—Machine Learning Services does a great job.

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Weighted Randomization using T-SQL

Louis Davidson won’t be stuck with uniform distributions:

The thing is, while I have 77 pictures of my favorite roller coaster, Expedition Everest at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and 70 of The Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios, I only have 2 of the Flame Tree Restaurant at Animal Kingdom and many other things that aren’t as exciting to post about. If I randomly choose attractions using a non-weighted random number generator, it would be just as likely to get the lesser items as the same frequency as the greater items. Hence, I want my popular items to come up most frequently, but every once in a while, I want to be surprised by something different.

This is where I needed to build a weighted randomized value.

Read on to see how Louis implements this.

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Building a Time Duration String

Ajay Dwivedi has a function to build out time duration as a string:

As DBA, there are various scenarios where I display duration in results. More often, for visual effects, I like to convert the same duration into [DD hh:mm:ss] format.

For example, for representing the duration of total waits, resource waits & signal waits for wait types from [sys].[dm_os_wait_stats].[wait_time_ms] on Grafana dashboard by converting to [DD hh:mm:ss] format:-

Click through for the function.

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Recursion in T-SQL

Bert Wagner takes us through writing recursive statements in T-SQL:

Recursive queries are fun to plan and write. They can be frustrating too depending on the complexity of the problem you are trying to solve.

This post shows one solution for finding all records that are related, either directly or via intermediate records, using recursive queries in SQL Server.

When you know the data size will be fairly small and performance isn’t critical, recursion can be an elegant solution to a data access problem.

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The Row Count Spool Operator

Hugo Kornelis dives into another operator:

The Row Count Spool operator is one of the four spool operators that SQL Server supports. It counts the number of rows in its input data, and can then later return that same amount of rows, without having to call its child operators to produce the input again.

The Row Count Spool can be viewed as similar to Table Spool, but optimized for cases where the amount of rows is relevant but their content is not. Because the content of the rows is not relevant, the operator does not need to use tempdb to store its input in a worktable; it only has to keep a running count as it reads the input. The other two spool operators have different use cases: Index Spool is used to enable the spool operator to return specific subsets of the input multiple times, and the Window Spool operator is used to support the ROWS and RANGE specifications of windowing functions.

Read on to see where this might be useful and when it may appear.

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The Logic of Common Tale Expressions

Itzik Ben-Gan dives into common table expressions:

The source of the term aside, common table expression, or CTE, is the commonly used term by T-SQL practitioners for the structure that is the focus of this article. So first, let’s address whether it is an appropriate term. We already concluded that the term table expression is appropriate for an expression that conceptually returns a table. Derived tables, CTEs, views and inline table valued functions are all types of named table expressions that T-SQL supports. So, the table expression part of common table expression certainly seems appropriate. As for the common part of the term, it probably has to do with one of the design advantages of CTEs over derived tables. Remember that you cannot reuse the derived table name (or more accurately the range variable name) more than once in the outer query. Conversely, the CTE name can be used multiple times in the outer query. In other words, the CTE name is common to the outer query. Of course, I’ll demonstrate this design aspect in this article.

CTEs give you similar benefits to derived tables, including enabling the development of modular solutions, reusing column aliases, indirectly interacting with window functions in clauses that don’t normally allow them, supporting modifications that indirectly rely on TOP or OFFSET FETCH with order specification, and others. But there are certain design advantages compared to derived tables, which I’ll cover in detail after I provide the syntax for the structure.

Click through for a lot of great detail. On the question of derived tables versus common table expressions, my mental taxonomy is basically APPLY > CTE > derived table, but that’s in a context-free discussion. In practice, all three are useful and the best question to answer is “Which thing helps future developers understand best my intent?”

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TOP and Ordering

Erik Darling is in the middle of a back-to-basics series on performance tuning:

And you see, once you set up a query to return the TOP N rows, there’s an expectation that users get to choose the order they start seeing rows in. As long as we stick to columns whose ordering is supported by an index, things will be pretty stable.

Once we go outside that, a TOP can be rough on a query.

Read on for an example of what happens when that type of thing goes wrong.

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SQL Serverless in Azure Synapse Analytics

James Serra talks to us about SQL serverless (presently known as SQL on-demand but I’m getting ahead of the marketing curve this time):

Querying data in ADLS Gen2 storage using T-SQL is made easy because of the OPENROWSET function with additional capabilities (check out the T-SQL that is supported). The currently supported file types in ADLS Gen2 that SQL-on-demand can use are Parquet, CSV, and JSON. ParquetDirect and CSV 2.0 add performance improvements (see Benchmarking Azure Synapse Analytics – SQL Serverless, using .NET Interactive). You can also query folders and multiple files and use file metadata in queries.

Read on to learn a lot more about its use cases.

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