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Category: T-SQL

Pattern Searches on Numbers

Erik Darling does an odd search:

Most of the time, it’s some query that looks like this:


c = COUNT_BIG(*)

FROM dbo.Posts AS p

WHERE p.OwnerUserId LIKE ‘2265%’

The cruddy thing here is that… SQL Server doesn’t handle this well.

At first, my thought was, “Why not just use an inequality operator like p.OwnerUserID >= 22650000 AND p.OwnerUserID < 22660000 but then I remembered that we’re probably dealing with multiple orders of magnitude here and the whole thing made my head hurt a little.

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Ranking Functions in SQL Server

Chad Callihan gets things sorted:

Have you ever needed a Top 10 list? It may sound like a simple task but not all lists are the same. Consider records where there are ties. Does that mean you need more than 10 records? If two records tie for first does that mean the third record is considered to be ranked second? No matter what type of list you need, SQL Server can help you find your way.

Click through for an overview of three of the four ranking functions in SQL Server. Poor NTILE().

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Building Sets with GENERATE_SERIES

Aaron Bertrand is a fan of this new function:

I have come across a lot of use cases for manufacturing rows on the fly, aside from the common goal of populating a large data set such as a numbers or calendar table. A few favorites include building sample data, pivoting an unknown number of columns, data extrapolation, and filling gaps in date or time ranges.

If you are on SQL Server 2022 or Azure SQL Database, or have been reading up on new features, you’ve likely heard about one of the better T-SQL enhancements: a new built-in function called GENERATE_SERIES. The syntax is straightforward – it accepts arguments for start and stop, and an optional argument to indicate step (in case you want to iterate by more than 1, or backwards):

Click through to see how performance for this compares to two methods we’ve used in the past to generate similar results.

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Overwhelming the IN Operator

Tariq Rasheed Al-Qaralleh recounts a customer problem:

In some cases, like when customers use Object-relational Mapping tools (ORM) Like Entity framework or LINQ, part of the code at the end will be converted to a TSQL executable statement.

For example, The LINQ with  .Where () method will be a TSQL Query with a Where clause :

Query Syntax and Method Syntax in LINQ (C#) | Microsoft Learn

Write LINQ queries in C# | Microsoft Learn

Read on for some of the practical consequences of doing this, including performance issues and possibly even runtime errors.

Tariq gives a couple examples of how to fix the issue, and a third possible fix is to pass in the IN clause as a table-valued parameter and join to that TVP.

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Fending off Sessions while in Single-User Mode

Eitan Blumin just wants to switch the database type:

Today we had an interesting use case where a customer reported that one of the databases they just restored from a backup got stuck in “Single-User” mode in one of their environments.

To resolve it, I first tried running the following command:


In response, I got deadlocked with the dreaded error 1205:

There were a few different attempts with no success until Eitan came up with the final script. Eitan’s analogy was to curling, though the first thing I thought of was Odysseus fighting off his wife’s suitors as he came back to claim his home.

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ANSI SQL and Trailing Spaces

Chris Johnson finds a language quirk:

Recently I found a quirk of T-SQL, where a group by statement was treating strings as the same if the only difference was one or more trailing spaces. So, ‘aa’ would be grouped with ‘aa ‘. I did some digging, and this is what I found.

Yeah, this isn’t just Microsoft’s T-SQL variant—it’s a standard part of SQL, as Chris notes later in the post.

My “just-so” story is that this might have been implemented to deal with CHAR(x) comparisons, such as CHAR(2) to CHAR(3). There’s no way to make that comparison unless you treat trailing spaces as irrelevant. Because we almost always use VARCHAR(x) or NVARCHAR(x), it isn’t something top of mind to most database practitioners, but there is a method to the madness.

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Rewriting Scalar UDFs and NULL Results

Erik Darling jumps out of the time machine to warn us, but we have no idea what he’s talking about so we ignore the warning and end up doing the thing he warned us not to do, causing us to need to send him into a time machine to warn us not to do it:

I think I have probably spent 500 hours of my life rewriting T-SQL Scalar UDFs to avoid all the performance problems associated with them.

The obvious choice is the Inline Table Valued Function, which has fewer performance issues baked in. For the kids out there: they don’t spill trauma.

But getting the rewrite right can be tricky, especially when it’s possible for the function to return NULL values.

Click through for the example.

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Using a Trigger to Auto-Refresh View Metadata

Aaron Bertrand keeps metadata in sync:

As much as we tell people to use SCHEMABINDING and avoid SELECT *, there is still a wide range of reasons people do not. A well-documented problem with SELECT * in views, specifically, is that the system caches the metadata about the view from the time the view was created, not when the view is queried. If the underlying table later changes, the view doesn’t reflect the updated schema without refreshing, altering, or recreating the view. Wouldn’t it be great if you could stop worrying about that scenario and have the system automatically keep the metadata in sync?

It’s almost entirely not apropos, but the first thing I thought of when I read the title and Problem statement was Goethe’s line about Mephistopheles: “Oft evil will shall evil mar.” Make of that what you will.

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Checking XML Validity

Kevin Wilkie doesn’t like misshapen XML data:

Sometimes you’ll find that you will have XML in your database. This could be for various reasons – from storing the XML after receiving an API response to keeping it in a table because a web developer couldn’t figure out another way to store their data. Sometimes – no matter how much you trust your source – you should question if the XML is well-formed. Let’s work out a few ways you can do that in a database.

Read on for a few tests. The more concerned you are about XML data quality, the more you’d want to push in the direction of having an XSLT defined as well.

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Analyzing SQL Server Table Metadata

Barney Lawrence looks at details about a table:

For a while I’ve been building up a script that uses SQL Servers INFORMACTION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table to create a query that applies aggregates to each column in a table and then formats the results to allow an at a glance summary of the shape of the data inside of it.

I showed some of the techniques used to build this in a session regarding metadata and data warehousing which I co-presented with Emma Dolling and Ruth Pearson at SQLBits. The one comment that I heard the most after this session was “I want that script”. I did promise to make it available more than a few times and so I’ve put together a github repository to hold it and other resources we built for the session.

Barney anticipated the most likely change I’d make while reviewing the script: APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT() if you’re on SQL Server 2022 and dealing with a large table.

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