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Category: Syntax

MERGE in Many Languages

Lukas Eder takes a look at the MERGE statement in SQL:

A few dialects support MERGE. Among the ones that jOOQ 3.13 supports, there are at least:

– Db2
– Derby
– Firebird
– H2
– Oracle
– SQL Server
– Sybase SQL Anywhere
– Teradata
– Vertica

For once, regrettably, this list does not include PostgreSQL. But even the dialects in this list do not all agree on what MERGE really is. The SQL standard specifies 3 features, each one optional:

– F312 MERGE statement
– F313 Enhanced MERGE statement
– F314 MERGE statement with DELETE branch

But instead of looking at the standards and what they require, let’s look at what the dialects offer, and how it can be emulated if something is not available.

This is a really cool overview of an area where several vendors can claim support, but that support can mean quite different things. The one caveat is, I don’t know if any of the other platforms’ MERGE operators are as busted as SQL Server’s in terms of bugs.

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All About Table Expressions

Itzik Ben-Gan has started a series on table expressions:

Perhaps this will come as a surprise to some, but I actually do find the use of the term table in common table expression as very appropriate. In fact, I find the use of the term table expression as appropriate. To me, the best way to describe what a CTE is in T-SQL, it’s a named table expression. The same applies to what T-SQL calls derived tables (the specific language construct as opposed to the general idea), views and inline TVFs. They are all named table expressions.

If you can bear with me a bit, I’ll provide the reasoning for my view of things in this article. It occurred to me that both the naming confusion, and the confusion around whether there’s a persistency aspect to table expressions, can be cleared with a better understanding of the fundamentals of our field of relational database management systems. Those fundamentals being, relational theory, how SQL (the standard language) relates to it, and how the T-SQL dialect used in the SQL Server and Azure SQL Database implementations relates to both.

There’s a lot of depth in this post, so I recommend a careful reading.

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Getting a Substring with DAX

Reza Rad shows us how to build out a substring using DAX:

Substring is one of the most common functions in many languages, However, there is no function named Substring DAX. There is a very simple way of doing it, which I am going to explain in this post. Substring means getting part of a string, for example from “Reza Rad”, if I want to get the start starting from index 2, for 4 characters, it should return “za R”. Considering that the first character is index 0. Let’s see how this is possible.

The answer’s not as pretty as a SUBSTRING() function would be, but it’s also not too far off.

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Trimming Strings with T-SQL

Andy Levy saves us all several characters at a time:

Every now and then, we encounter data that needs to be cleaned up because it’s got leading and/or trailing spaces. Or maybe you’re storing short data in a CHAR(N) field, so when you query it, you’re getting trailing spaces. For time immemorial, we’ve had to wrap these fields in rtrim(ltrim(fieldname)) to do the deed.

Effective with SQL Server 2017, that’s no longer the case. 

The eight keystrokes add up over time. In all seriousness, I am happy that TRIM() is a thing in SQL Server 2017. And Andy gives us a little bonus to make it worth your refactoring while.

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Supporting Multiple NULL Values with a Unique Constraint

Itzik Ben-Gan walks us through a workaround in T-SQL:

Suppose that you have a database in a platform that supports the standard unique constraint and you need to migrate that database to SQL Server. You may face issues with the enforcement of unique constraints in SQL Server if the unique columns support NULLs. Data that was considered valid in the source system may be considered invalid in SQL Server. In the following sections I’ll explore a number of possible workarounds in SQL Server.

I use a simplified version of this as an interview question, so it’s nice to see an entire article from Itzik on the topic, including a couple solutions way outside the box.

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From IDENTITY to Sequences

Andy Levy recommends checking out sequences:

The SEQUENCE object eliminates all of this. It gives you a simple way to just grab a new number and increment for the next caller. It’s very fast as there’s no visible table I/O, and it’s unaffected by rollbacks.

And it’s so much easier to use! You just ask for the next number in the sequence!

I like sequences, though the interesting thing is that 2020 me has created them a lot less frequently than 2012 me was sure I would. I’m glad they’re in the product, however.

One thing I should point out is that sequences are like identity columns in that you can have gaps due to user behavior, such as rolling back transactions. If you absolutely need gap-free sets of numbers, you’re back to Andy’s Method One, except everything has to be serializable and wrapped in explicit transactions.

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DISTINCT is not a Function

Lukas Eder corrects a misconception:

A very common misconception I often encounter with SQL users is the idea that DISTINCT is something like a function, and that it can take parenthesised arguments. Just recently, I’ve seen this Stack Overflow question where the OP was looking for a way to express this in jOOQ:

SELECT DISTINCT (, emp.fname, FROM employee emp;

Notice the parentheses around (, which look as though this is some special kind of DISTINCT usage, which is akin to a DISTINCT function. The idea is often that:

– The behaviour is somewhat different from omitting the parentheses
– The performance is faster, because only the ID needs to be considered for distinctness

Both of these ideas are (mostly) wrong, as Lukas shows.

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LAST_VALUE() and Windows

Jeet Kainth explains the importance of specifying your window when using LAST_VALUE():

To return the actual last value, add the additional clause ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING. This ensures that for each row the LAST_VALUE() function looks at all rows; from the very first row to the very last row.

Click through for the example. Remember that the default is going to the current row, not the entire data set.

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Describing the First Result Set

Phil Factor dives into sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object():

I’ve been working on a project unkindly nicknamed ‘The Gloop’ because the code is a bit amorphous. Basically, it is an approach to documenting SQL Server databases, using the facilities provided such as the metadata views and DMFs. Although it is relatively simple to record the result returned by a table-valued function I’d rather neglected the stored procedures because there was no metadata that could produce the first result set produced by a procedure or trigger.

I’d been silly because there is, of course, an Execution system DMF that does it: sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object(). it takes as its parameter the object_id of a procedure or trigger and describes the first result metadata for the module with that ID. It has the same result set definition as sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set.

I’m going to have to try this out, but I have problems with sp_describe_first_result_set and how it blows up if you use a temp table in the stored procedure whose result set you’re grabbing.

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