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Category: Storage

Azure Shared Disk with Zone-Redundant Storage

Dave Bermingham runs some tests:

What makes this interesting is that you can now build shared storage based failover cluster instances that span Availability Zones (AZ).  With cluster nodes residing in different AZs, users can now qualify for the 99.99% availability SLA. Prior to support for ZRS, Azure Shared Disks only supported Locally Redundant Storage (LRS), limiting cluster deployments to a single AZ, leaving users susceptible to outages should an AZ go offline.

There are however a few limitations to be aware of when deploying an Azure Shared Disk with ZRS.

Dave also checks to see how their performance compares to locally-redundant storage.

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Power BI Dataflows and Storage Considerations

Teo Lachev has some things for us to consider:

Over the past few years, the BI industry has come up with new file formats, such as Parquet, ORC, and Avro, which are widely used today. To facilitate its vision for cross-industry data integration, Microsoft introduced a few years ago the Common Data Model (CDM) and CDM Folders. Power BI dataflows output CSV files to CDM folders and each table is saved in its own folder. You can bring your own data lake to directly access these files. If do so, you’ll find the following folder structure:

Although accessing the dataflow files might open all sorts of data integration scenarios, here are some things to watch for concerning the dataflow output:

Read on for five things.

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Zero Records but Lots of Space Used

Jeff Iannucci solves a riddle:

Anyhow, it’s worthwhile to occasionally review the tables in a database to see which ones are growing every day, using the most space.

But what if during a review you see the largest table looks like this?

That’s around 24 GB of sweet drive space allocated for 0 records. But…how?

Let me show you how.

Click through to see how. My initial thought was LOB craziness but Jeff’s example doesn’t even need that.

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Storage Pools and Volumes

John Morehouse illuminates us on storage:

I think there are a couple of lines of thought related to this.  I’m one person with a NAS so I don’t need multiple volumes.  I can certainly get by with a single volume on each storage pool and this will simplify management of things.

If you were working with enterprise grade storage in a corporate environment, having multiple volumes will make sense.  I think of this as carving up disk space for production SQL Servers where each drive letter corresponds to a given volume which resides on a given storage pool.  A volume can serve multiple folders.

You know a blog post is going to be good when it starts with “In hindsight, I should have done this differently.”

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Addressable Disk Space and File Counts in SQL MI General Purpose

Niko Neugebauer has been busy:

In the previous blog posts in the SQL MI How-Tos we have already touched on the aspect of SQL MI reserved and available Disk Space, but as in everything – there is so many things to add and expand. In this post we shall focus on the General Purpose service tier and the remote disk storage that is used in this service tier. Besides the explicit limits of the addressable space that is connected to the number of CPU vCores, there are important aspects of the remote storage that will limit the number of database files that can be located there.

If you are interested in other posts on how-to discover different aspects of SQL MI – please visit the, which serves as a placeholder for the series.

Click through to see how it all fits together with Managed Instances.

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Understanding SQL Server I/O Size

Anthony Nocentino dives into a topic:

Master File Table (MFT) is the data structure that describes files and directories on NTFS. In Figure 1, you can see an MTF record has several sections describing the metadata about the file and pointers to blocks that make up the file. A block, also referred to as a cluster in Windows, is an abstraction over one or more physical structures (sectors or pages depending on the media) presented by the underlying disk. A block/cluster is also the atomic allocation unit from a file system and has a configurable size. On NTFS, this is referred to as the NTFS Allocation Unit Size and is a configurable attribute of the file system. By default, it is 4KB and can be as large as 2MB. Since a block is a unit of allocation, if a file is between 1 byte and the file system’s allocation unit size, it will take up exactly one block/cluster on the file system. As the file grows, more blocks/clusters are allocated to represent the file. The MFT data structure tracks which blocks make up a file. The block allocator of the file system will try to ensure blocks are physically adjacent on the disk and groups them together in runs.

A 4KB NTFS Allocation Units size is considered best practice on general-purpose file systems. And 64KB is considered best practice for SQL Server…but why? Let’s keep digging…

I was sitting at a lunch table with Anthony when it all clicked and that was fun to see.

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Building a Pipeline for External Data Sharing

Hope Foley has data to share:

I worked with a customer recently who had a need to share CSVs for an auditing situation.  They had a lot of external customers that they needed to collect CSVs from for the audit process.  There were a lot of discussions happening on how to best do it, whether we’d pull data from their environment or have them push them into theirs.  Folks weren’t sure on that so I tried to come up with something that would work for both. 

Read on for Hope’s solution to the problem.

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Managing File Retention in Blob Storage

Jeet Kainth shows how to configure a retention strategy in Azure Blob Storage:

This blog is a follow up to a previous blog I wrote about backing up Azure Analysis Services cubes in Azure, that blog can be found here. This blog shows how to implement a retention policy using PowerShell in Azure Runbooks to remove the backups after a set number of days. To create a new Runbook in the Azure portal, go to the relevant Automation account in the relevant resource group and then select Runbooks from the left hand pane. Note you will need to add the Az.Storage module to the automation account to be able to use some of the commands listed in this blog.

Click through for the process, including Powershell code to perform the task.

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