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Category: Storage

Storage Snapshots and In-Memory OLTP

Andy Yun answers a question:

Can I still take storage-array snapshots and if yes, will I lose data in my memory-optimized tables? What about data inside my non-durable tables?

Thankfully, the question was not in the headline. Therefore, Betteridge’s Law of Headlines does not apply and the answer may be either ‘yes’ or ‘no’ depending on the facts. Speaking of which, to find that answer, click through and read Andy’s post.

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SQL Server 2022 and Azure Data Lake Storage

I continue a series on data virtualization in SQL Server 2022:

Today’s post is a fairly short one. Let’s say you want to connect to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 from SQL Server 2022. We saw in a recent post how to connect to Azure Blob Storage. When it comes to Azure Data Lake Storage, the story is almost the same, though there are a couple pitfalls you will want to avoid.

Read on for that error, which stymied me for a good 10 minutes.

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Inserting into Azure Blob Storage from SQL Server 2022

I continue a series on data virtualization in SQL Server 2022:

Several years ago, I wrote a blog post on how to insert data into Azure Blob Storage from SQL Server using PolyBase. That technique used PolyBase V1: the Java connector for Hadoop. With SQL Server 2022 eliminating that connector, we’re going to learn the new method.

This is one of the larger practical differences in data virtualization with SQL Server 2022.

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Connecting to Azure Blob Storage with SQL Server 2022

I take a look back at the past and forward to the future:

PolyBase used to connect to Azure Blob Storage. Specifically, you could use the wasbs:// protocol and connect to Azure Blob Storage over WebHDFS. Here’s an example of an external data source which would work for SQL Server 2016 through 2019:

SQL Server 2022 changes its mechanisms around Azure Blob Storage a little bit, though I think the changes are sensible.

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Mounting Data Lake Storage from a Spark Pool

Kamil Nowinski runs into some trouble:

Last weekend, I played a bit with Azure Synapse from a way of mounting Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2 in Synapse notebook within API in the Microsoft Spark Utilities (MSSparkUtils) package. I wanted to just do a simple test, hence I followed the documentation from Microsoft: How to use file mount/unmount API in Synapse.
Having an ADLS Account already created in a subscription – should be easy peasy, right?

Read on to understand when things might be a little more complicated than they seem. And more frustrating, once you see the cause of the problem.

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Don’t Store Files in the Database

Josh Darnell provides timeless advice:

As Deborah’s invite post suggests, this is a “that one time at that client” story. I was working at a consulting firm, and we had written an app for a particular client. Part of this application’s workflow involved users uploading images alongside some other information. These were not particularly large images in the grand scheme of things – they were taken by a microscope, and were a few kilobytes each, maybe.

However, this app had been in use for a long time. And as you might have guessed from the title of this post, each of these images was stored in a single table in the database that backed this application

Yeah, that’ll be a problem… Read on for some recommendations on how to avoid the issue. One thing I would add is FileTable, which came out in SQL Server 2012. In that case, the files are actually stored on disk but are queryable via T-SQL. It introduces its own set of problems but I do have some fond feelings about having used FileTable in the past.

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Enumerating Azure Storage Replication Types

Arun Sirpal has a list:

Storage Accounts are pretty much integrated into so many different designs in Azure, whether you are using Azure Synapse, 3rd party product like Snowflake, or Event Streaming designs – we need it.

When you create a storage account there are 5 different replication types you should know about.  These are LRS, ZRS, GRS, RA-GRS and GZRS. Lots of abbreviations here, lets explain further.

Read on for the explanation.

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Using S3 Object Storage in MinIO with SQL Server 2022

Anthony Nocentino takes us through an example of integrating with MinIO via its S3 integration:

In this post, I will walk you through how to set up MinIO, so you can use it to work with SQL Server 2022’s s3 object integrations. Working with s3 and SQL Server requires a valid and trusted TLS certificate. This can be a pain for some users and environments. So I’m writing this post so you can get off the ground running with this new feature set in SQL Server 2022. The certificate we’re working with here is self-signed. You could get a real certificate for your environment, and that’s encouraged. But this walk-through intends to get you up and running fast so that you can test out SQL Server’s s3 object integrations. We’re using MinIO’s free GNU AGPL v3 edition and running it in a docker container for our s3 compatible object storage and SQL Server 2022 CTP 2.0, which is also running in a container.

Click through for the demo, in which Anthony sets everything up and then backs up a database in SQL Server 2022 to MinIO.

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The Benefits of Parquet

Maria Zakourdaev explains why the Parquet file format is so useful:

Parquet files organize data in columns, while CSV files organize data in rows.

Columnar storage allows much better compression so Parquet data files need less storage, 1 TB of CSV files can be converted into 100GB of parquet files – which can be a huge money saver when cloud storage is used. This also means that scanning parquet file is much faster than scanning CSV files – fewer data would be scanned and there is no need to load unneeded columns into memory and aggregations will run faster. Parquet files contain both data and metadata, information about data schema and structure. When you load the file, having metadata helps the querying tool define proper data types.

Click through for an example of when Parquet makes sense. It’s not the best format for everything—it’s a columnar file format, so writes are typically slower than row-store formats like CSV or Avro—but it and ORC are outstanding for analytical processing, not least because of the metadata these formats contain.

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Seeding AG Replicas from Snapshots in SQL Server 2022

Anthony Nocentino is excited about using storage snapshots in SQL Server 2022:

But what if I told you that you could seed your Availability Group from a storage-based snapshot and that the re-seeding process can be nearly instantaneous?

In addition to saving you time, this process saves your database systems from the CPU, network, and disk consumption that comes with direct seeding and using backups and restores to seed.

This process described in this post is imlemented on Pure Storage’s FlashArray and works cloud scenarios on Pure’s Cloud Block Store.

Click through to see how.

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