Jonathan Kehayias shows where those recovery scripts for SSMS are located:
It happens to the best of us and this post is more of a reminder for myself the next time it happens to me than anything else. You are working in SQL Server Management Studio, you have a few tabs open (OK, it was 123 this time, but lets stay focused on the purpose of this blog post – You should see my Desktop and all the icons on top of other icons…), and then suddenly you get the dreaded SSMS has stopped responding/crashed window. Sure you have been saving the important things along the way, but there are plenty of tabs that were just working queries for analysis that don’t really need to be saved but you still need them. What do you do?
Even if you do use a tool like SSMS Tools Pack or DevArt’s SQLcomplete (which is what I use), it is still good to know where these scripts are just in case. I’ve also noticed that Azure Data Studio has been quite a bit better about maintaining scripts on close.
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