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Category: SQL Server Management Studio

SSMS and Additional Connection Parameters

Tom Zika gets spun around a bit:

The other day I managed to confuse myself. I was looking up some information from an Extended Events (XE) session, but my eyes were playing a trick on me. The database ids were off by one, and I couldn’t find some query hashes in the Query Store, even when they were supposed to be there. So my first thought was that I must be connected to a different server with a drift. But the information in the SSMS tab, status bar and even colour coding (courtesy of Redgate’s SQL Prompt) – all pointed to the correct server.

I don’t think I’ve ever run into this before but could see how it’d be really confusing.

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Multiple Rows of Tabs in SSMS

Kevin Hill needs more than one row:

If you spend much time at all in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), you’ve no doubt had trouble figuring out which query tab is the one you need.

Many DBAs and SQL Devs find themselves (despite best intentions and New Years Resolutions) with dozens of tabs open, and many of them unsaved.

Kevin shows the built-in solution. My solution is Tabs Studio. I paid $50 for it and have zero qualms with the purchase.

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Row Mode vs Batch Mode Plan Timings

Paul White notes a change in SQL Server 2022:

Batch mode plans report CPU and elapsed time spent within each individual operator.

Row mode plans report cumulative CPU and elapsed time for each operator including all its child operators.

This is confusing enough, but modern versions of SQL Server can produce execution plans with a mixture of batch mode and row mode operators in the same execution plan.

But there are some nice changes in SQL Server 2022 to improve the situation a bit.

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Pinned SSMS Tabs in a Separate Row

Kenneth Fisher keeps ’em separated:

I use this all of the time. I have a solution in SSMS to store all of the queries I use on a regular basis. I open one of the queries and then pin it to the top to keep it sperate from the rest of my sometimes literally dozens of queries. Things like my query to figure out where the backups for this instance are, and my diagnostic queries are almost always up there at the top left. So I open the file, pin the file. A few days later when I end up re-opening SSMS I open the file, and I pin the file. Not hard, but rather repetitive.

The other day though I found a fantastic option.

Click through to learn what Kenneth found.

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Binding a “Preview” Shortcut in SSMS

Daniel Hutmacher previews a table with a keyboard shortcut:

On the surface, these query shortcuts are just what the name implies – a key combination that you can press to run a command or execute a stored procedure. But there’s a hidden super power: whatever text you’ve selected in SSMS when you press the keyboard combination gets appended to the shortcut statement.

That is quite useful, though I’ve already bound all of those SSMS shortcuts to various forms of WhoIsActive.

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Modifying Multiple Lines of Text at Once in SSMS

Chad Callihan has some advice:

A quick T-SQL/SSMS trick that I know and love is the ability to add text to multiple lines at a time. I tend use macros in Notepad++ to accomplish these types of repetitive actions but this type of work can be completed in SSMS.

Annoyingly, this doesn’t work quite the same way in VS Code or Azure Data Studio. Alt + Down moves a line down one, Alt + Shift + Down copies the current line. To replicate this behavior in VS Code / Azure Data Studio, hold down Alt + Shift and use the mouse to select the lines you want.

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Creating Local Server Groups in SSMS

Andrea Allred creates a local server group:

In the past, I have talked about CMS (Central Management Servers), but now I don’t have CMS configured and still want to query multiple instances at once. Local Server Groups are my friend.

My preference is CMS, especially as the number of data platform professionals increases. Keeping track of all of those new instances can be a pain otherwise. But if you’re in an environment in which that’s not an option, local server groups provide a reasonable alternative.

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SQL Tools Updates

Timi Oshin has updates on SSMS and Azure Data Studio:

Azure Data Studio 1.35 now supports easier keyboard navigation in notebooks without mouse clicking. This is done by hitting the Esc key and navigating between cell rows using the Up and Down arrow keys. To enter edit mode, hit the Enter key on the keyboard. The new Table Designer preview feature supports creating new tables and editing existing tables on a connected SQL Server instance. This is a highly requested product enhancement and enables more productive schema management with a modern, streamlined UX.

Haha! It only took several years but my hectoring finally pays off. Now for the full set of Jupyter keyboard shortcuts…

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SQL Server’s Central Management Server

Lee Markup builds a SQL Server inventory:

Today, we will be looking at using T-SQL and a Central Management Server to create a SQL Server inventory. Let’s say that you’re  new at this company or in this role and all you have right now is the list of SQL Servers that people know about. you haven’t been able to run the MAP Toolkit or maybe you’ve been told that you can’t run it for some reason. the list of SQL Servers that people “just know about” probably isn’t anywhere near complete, but you have to start somewhere.

These things are a life-saver, especially once you have more than a couple of instances to worry about.

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