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Category: Spark

Analyzing Flight Data With Sparklyr

Aki Ariga continues his sparklyr series with some analysis of US flight data:

In this post, we will show you a visualization and build a predictive model of US flights with sparklyr. Flight visualization code is based on this article.

This post assumes you already have the following tables:

You should make these tables available through Apache Hive or Apache Impala (incubating) with Hue.

There’s some setup work to get this going, but getting a handle on sparklyr looks to be a good idea if you’re in the analytics space.

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Spark Data Frame Checkpoints

Jean Georges Perrin introduces checkpoints on Spark data frames:

Basically, I use a checkpoint if I want to freeze the content of my data frame before I do something else. It can be in the scenario of iterative algorithms (as mentioned in the Javadoc) but also in recursive algorithms or simply branching out a data frame to run different kinds of analytics on both.

Spark has been offering checkpoints on streaming since earlier versions (at least v1.2.0), but checkpoints on data frames are a different beast.

This could also be very useful for a quality control flow:  perform operation A, and if it doesn’t generate good enough results, roll back and try operation B.

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Apache Zeppelin 0.7.0

Vinay Shulka announces Apache Zeppelin 0.7.0:


This release also adds support for Spark 2 including version Spark 2.1. Zeppelin now also links to Spark History Server UI from Zeppelin so users can more easily track Spark jobs. The Livy interpreter now supports specifying packages with the job.


The major security improvement in Zeppelin 0.7.0 is using Apache Knox’s LDAP Realm to connect to LDAP. Zeppelin home page now lists only the nodes to which the user is authorized to access. Zeppelin now also has the ability to support PAM based authentication.

The full list of improvements is available here

This visualization platform is growing up nicely.

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Using Sparklyr To Analyze Flight Data

Aki Ariga uses sparklyr on Apache Spark 2.0 to analyze flight data living in S3:

Using sparklyr enables you to analyze big data on Amazon S3 with R smoothly. You can build a Spark cluster easily with Cloudera Director. sparklyr makes Spark as a backend database of dplyr. You can create tidy data from huge messy data, plot complex maps from this big data the same way as small data, and build a predictive model from big data with MLlib. I believe sparklyr helps all R users perform exploratory data analysis faster and easier on large-scale data. Let’s try!

You can see the Rmarkdown of this analysis on RPubs. With RStudio, you can share Rmarkdown easily on RPubs.

Sparklyr is an exciting technology for distributed data analysis.

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Spark UDFs

Curtis Howard explains how to create a user-defined function in Apache Spark:

It’s important to understand the performance implications of Apache Spark’s UDF features.  Python UDFs for example (such as our CTOF function) result in data being serialized between the executor JVM and the Python interpreter running the UDF logic – this significantly reduces performance as compared to UDF implementations in Java or Scala.  Potential solutions to alleviate this serialization bottleneck include:

  1. Accessing a Hive UDF from PySpark as discussed in the previous section.  The Java UDF implementation is accessible directly by the executor JVM.  Note again that this approach only provides access to the UDF from the Apache Spark’s SQL query language.
  2. Making use of the approach also shown to access UDFs implemented in Java or Scala from PySpark, as we demonstrated using the previously defined Scala UDAF example.

In general, UDF logic should be as lean as possible, given that it will be called for each row.  As an example, a step in the UDF logic taking 100 milliseconds to complete will quickly lead to major performance issues when scaling to 1 billion rows.

Definitely worth a read.  UDFs in Spark can come at a performance penalty, so they aren’t free.

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Structured Streaming With Spark

Tathagata Das, et al, discuss enterprise-grade streaming of structured data using Spark:

Fortunately, Structured Streaming makes it easy to convert these periodic batch jobs to a real-time data pipeline. Streaming jobs are expressed using the same APIs as batch data. Additionally, the engine provides the same fault-tolerance and data consistency guarantees as periodic batch jobs, while providing much lower end-to-end latency.

In the rest of post, we dive into the details of how we transform AWS CloudTrail audit logs into an efficient, partitioned, parquet data warehouse. AWS CloudTrail allows us to track all actions performed in a variety of AWS accounts, by delivering gzipped JSON logs files to a S3 bucket. These files enable a variety of business and mission critical intelligence, such as cost attribution and security monitoring. However, in their original form, they are very costly to query, even with the capabilities of Apache Spark. To enable rapid insight, we run a Continuous Application that transforms the raw JSON logs files into an optimized Parquet table. Let’s dive in and look at how to write this pipeline. If you want to see the full code, here are the Scala and Python notebooks. Import them into Databricks and run them yourselves.

This introductory post discusses some of the architecture and setup, and they promise additional posts getting into finer details.

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Performance Tuning A Streaming Application

Mathieu Dumoulin explains how he was able to get 10x performance out of a streaming application built around Kafka, Spark Streaming, and Apache Ignite:

The main issues for these applications were caused by trying to run a development system’s code, tested on AWS instances on a physical, on-premise cluster running on real data. The original developer was never given access to the production cluster or the real data.

Apache Ignite was a huge source of problems, principally because it is such a new project that nobody had any real experience with it and also because it is not a very mature project yet.

I found this article fascinating, particularly because the answer was a lot more than just “throw some more hardware at the problem.”

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Grabbing Spark With sbt

Ian Hellström shows how to create an sbt script to get the a particular version of Spark:

If you have already installed sbt on your machine, read on. If not, have a look here on how to set up your machine.

With sbt available, create a folder in which you can play around, your ‘sandbox’. I’ll assume you have created the folder under /path/to/sandbox. On Windows, also create a sub-folder inside it for Spark’s so-called warehouse directory. Let’s call that sub-folder ‘warehouse’.

Click through for more details.

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Word Count In Spark 2.0

Anubhav Tarar has a word count app for Spark 2.0:

Now you have to perform the given steps:

  • Create a spark session from org.apache.spark.sql.sparksession api and specify your master and app name

  • Using the method, read from the file wordcount.txt the return value of this method in a dataset. In case you don’t know what a data set looks like you can learn from this link.

  • Split this dataset of type string with white space and create a map which contains the occurence of each word in that data set.

  • Create a class prettyPrintMap for printing the result to console.

This Hello World app is a bit longer than the sheer minimum code necessary, as it includes a class for formatting results and some error handling.

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Submitting A Spark Job On HDInsight

Bharath Venkatesh shows different ways to run a Spark job on HDInsight:

From HDI 3.5 onwards, our clusters come preinstalled with Zeppelin Notebooks. Much like Jupyter notebooks, Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. It provides built-in Spark intergration that allows for:

  • Automatic SparkContext and SQLContext injection
  • Runtime jar dependency loading from local filesystem or maven repository. Learn more about dependency loader.
  • Canceling job and displaying its progress

This MSDN article provides a quick easy-to-use onboarding guide to help get acclimatized to Zeppelin. You can also try several applications that come pre-installed on your cluster to get hands on experience of Zeppelin.

Zeppelin is probably my favorite method, but there are good reasons to use all of these.

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