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Category: Security

Why Logins Are Failing

Kenneth Fisher looks at various error log messages to show how to fix different login failures:

Error Displayed
Login failed for user ‘Kenneth_Test’. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)

How do I fix it
Simple enough. Change the password. However, there are a few warnings here. If you change the password and it’s being used by someone (for example this is an application id) you may be breaking the application. If this is production, that could be a no-no. Just in case I like to back up the password hash before changing it.

I’ve also gone back to the well several times over the years with this blog post showing what the various error states mean when you get error 18456.

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Restoring An Encrypted Master Database

Dave Mason clarifies how to restore the master database to a new instance when the master database backup is encrypted:

This strikes me as an odd chicken-and-egg problem. I’d need to create the certificate to decrypt the [master] backup on the instance I’m restoring [master] to…and the certificate is stored in [master], which I’d be overwriting. As weird as it sounds, this is exactly what needs to happen. Maybe it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

Read on for the solution.  You might also want to check out that one time he met Larry Bird.

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Windows Firewall: Allowing Inbound Connections

Stephen West has a post on creating Windows firewall rules to allow inbound traffic for a SQL Server instance:

For Static Port:

  • Go to Start>Run and type WF.msc and then click on OK button

  • Under the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, right-click on Inbound Rules, and then click on New Rule

  • In the Rule Type box, select the option Port, and then click on Next button

  • In the dialog box of Port, select the option TCP. Then, select the option Specific local ports, after that type the port number 1433 for the static instance. After that click on Next button

  • Select Allow the action under the Action dialog box and then click on Next button

  • Now, Under the Profile dialog box, select any profiles which you want to connect to the SQL server, and then click on Next button

  • Type a name and description of the rule, in the Name dialog box and then click on Finish button

Read on for dynamic ports.  I feel like I need to throw out all kinds of warnings about not exposing a SQL Server instance directly to the public internet.

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Secure Enterprise Data Hub On Azure

James Morantus has a two-parter on Azure, Active Directory, and Cloudera’s enterprise data hub solution.  Part one hits on DNS and Samba:

As you can see, the hostname -f command displays a very long FQDN for my VM and hostname -i gives us the IP address associated with the VM. Next, I did a forward DNS lookup using the host FQDN command, which resolved to the IP address. Then, I did a reverse DNS lookup using host IPaddress as shown in the red box above, it did not locate a reverse entry for that IP address. A reverse lookup is a requirement for a CDH deployment. We’ll revisit this later.

Part two looks at tying everything together in the Azure portal as well as within AD:

The remaining steps must be executed as the Cloudera Director admin user you created earlier. In my case, that’s the “azuredirectoradmin” account. All resources created by Cloudera Director in the Azure Portal will be owned by this account. The “root” user is not allowed to create resources on the Azure Portal.

First, we’ll need to create a SSH key as the “azuredirectoradmin” user on the VM where Cloudera Director is installed. This key will be added to our deployment configuration file, which will be added on all the VMs provisioned by Cloudera Director. This will allow us to use passwordless SSH to the cluster nodes with this key.

This isn’t trivial, but considering all that’s going on, it’s rather straightforward.

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Getting Effective Permissions

Jana Sattainathan explains how to get a user’s effective permissions:

Microsoft has provided a function named fn_my_permissions that gets the permissions for you. It has multiple classes of objects for which you can get permissions. We already know about SERVER, DATABASE and OBJECT but there are a lot more. To get that list of classes, let us use fn_builtin_permissions function

The one thing I wish this function did was let a sysadmin see another user’s effective permissions without using EXECUTE AS; I’d like to be able to apply that function to sys.logins and get an exploded list for reporting.

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Turning On SQL Authentication

Kenneth Fisher hits a frequent cause of login failure:

No go. Next thing to check is the password. The error I’m getting does indicate the incorrect password so it’s a distinct possibility. Now when I moved the server principal I made sure to copy the password hash from the old server so the password should be the same. However, I’ve made mistakes before, and odd things happen, so I decided to change the password just in case. Before I did I backed up the original password just in case.

The solution is something that I’ve seen a lot of sysadmins forget to do in their setup processes.

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Changing TDE Certificates

Tom Norman has a script to change the certificate used for TDE:

When you create TDE certificate by default, the certificate is just created for a year. Depending upon your auditor, you may be asked to change this TDE certificate yearly.  In this blog post, you can watch when your TDE certificate expires using policy-based management,

Click through for the script.

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Password Expiration

Artemakis Artemiou hits a controversial topic in security today:

As you can see from the above screenshot, the maximum password age is set to 90 days. This means that if I have a login that uses SQL Server Authentication or a contained database user with a password, if the login’s or user’s password was last changed 90 days (or more) ago, then the login/user will be prompted by SQL Server to change her password.

Even though this practice was used for many years, not only in SQL Server but similarly, on Windows-level, as well as in other systems and applications, recent studies argue that it should not be a recommended practice anymore. On the contrary, these studies suggest that user passwords should not be regularly changed but rather change only when there is a specific and justified reason to do so. Furthermore, new security standards are being formulated that contain new recommendations on password change.

Security is all about trade-offs.  If you make people change their passwords every 90 days, they’ll write the password down somewhere.

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Web App Security

Vishwas Parameshwarappa has an article on securing web applications:

The Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) exploit uses cross-site scripting (mentioned above), browser insecurities, and other techniques to cause a user to unwittingly perform an action within their current authenticated context that allows the attacker to access the user’s account. This type of attack usually occurs when a malicious email, blog, or a message causes a user’s Web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is currently authenticated.

This is a nice overview of the most common attack vectors for web applications.

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Always Encrypted With Powershell

Jakub Szymaszek shows how to configure Always Encrypted support from Powershell:

Note: In a production environment, you should always run tools (such as PowerShell or SSMS) provisioning and using Always Encrypted keys on a machine that is different than the machine hosting your database. The primary purpose of Always Encrypted is to protect your data, in case the environment hosting your database gets compromised. If your keys are revealed to the machine hosting the database, an attacker can get them and the benefit of Always Encrypted will be defeated.

That’s a good warning.

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