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Category: Security

SQL Vulnerability Assessment

Ronit Reger shows off the new SQL Vulnerability Assessment, available in SQL Server 2012 and later:

Not only does VA expose some of the possible security flaws you have in your database system, it also provides remediation scripts to resolve issues within a couple of mouse clicks. In addition, you can accept specific results as your approved baseline state, and the VA scan report will be customized accordingly to expect these values.

Ronit and Alan Yu also mention it being available via the latest version of Management Studio, 17.4:

The VA service runs a scan directly on your SQL database or server. VA employs a knowledge base of rules that flag security vulnerabilities and deviations from best practices, such as misconfigurations, excessive permissions, and exposed sensitive data. The rule base grows and evolves over time, to reflect the latest security best practices recommended by Microsoft.

Results of the assessment include actionable steps to resolve each issue and provide customized remediation scripts where applicable. An assessment report can be customized for each customer environment and tailored to specific requirements. This process is managed by defining a security Baseline for the assessment results, such that only deviations from the custom Baseline are reported.

VA is supported for SQL Server 2012 and later, and can also be run on Azure SQL Database.

This looks like a good reason to upgrade SSMS.

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Data Breaches And Knowledge-Based Authentication

Jeff Mlakar summarizes Troy Hunt’s recent congressional testimony:

Lastly, there is a lack of accountability for the breaches. If you collect data about others you are responsible for it. Yet all too often organizations discover years later they suffered a massive data breach and then proclaim to the press that they were hacked by evil doers and caught unprepared.

Then they progress through the stages of data breach grief:

  1. OMG I just read the news and found out we’ve been hacked

  2. Turns out it was 4 years ago

  3. Blame evil hackers while proclaiming innocence as a naive victim

  4. The media turns up the heat – time to blame some systems administrator

  5. Offer your customers credit monitoring

  6. Acceptance

  7. Wait until the next hack then GOTO step #1

It will be interesting to see what (if anything) comes out of this.

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Restricting Login Usage

Kenneth Fisher shows how to prevent people from using those high-power application accounts:

Anyone of these would cause you to fail a security audit. All of them together? Not good.

So how do we fix it? Well, the best possible method is to not give your developers the password. Use config files containing an encrypted copy of the password and you can dramatically limit knowledge of the password. However, that isn’t necessarily a quick or easy solution (modifying the app to use a config file at all for example). So what to do in the meantime?

The simplest thing to do is to create a logon trigger to control where this account can come from. Before we start if you are going to use a logon trigger make sure you know how to log in and disable it if there are any mistakes.

The logon trigger is hardly perfect, but it does help at the margin.

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Protecting RDP With SSH

Chrissy LeMaire has a two-parter on enabling SSH tunneling on Windows 10.  First, if you are using the Fall Creators Update:

Gotta say I’m super thankful for Chris K’s blog post “Enabling the hidden OpenSSH server in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709) — and why it’s great!“, otherwise this would have taken me far longer to figure out.

So next, Run PowerShell As Administrator, then generate a key.

cd C:\windows\system32\OpenSSH
ssh-keygen -A

Alternatively, if you are not using the Fall Creators Update:

First, bash for Windows must be setup. This requires Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016.

Note: this was written for Windows 10 pre-1709. Apparently, the new update contains a ton of changes. Developer mode is not required and you install your Linux distro from the Windows Store. Seems that it may even include Open SSH right out the box. I’ll test on Tuesday and let you all know. Till then, here is how to do it if you’ve got Windows 10 without Fall Creators Update (FCU).

Doing this limits the ability of an attacker to snoop on your RDP traffic.

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Getting Started With Always Encrypted

Monica Rathbun kicks off a series on Always Encrypted:

There are two possibilities Deterministic and Randomized.

MSDN defines Deterministic encryption as always generates the same encrypted value for any given plain text value. Which means that if you have a birthdate of 01/03/1958 it will always be encrypted with the same value each time such as ABCACBACB. This allows you to index it, use it in WHERE clauses, GROUP BY and JOINS.

Randomized encryption per MSDN- uses a method that encrypts data in a less predictable manner. This makes Randomized encryption more secure, because using the example above each encrypted value of 01/03/1958 will be different. It could be ABCACBACB, BBBCCAA, or CCCAAABBB. All three encrypted values are subsequently decrypted to the same value. Since the encrypted value is random you cannot perform search operations etc. as you can with Deterministic.

Part 1 is about building the certificates and keys needed to encrypt data.

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Fun With Dynamic SQL: Implicit Casting Can Allow SQL Injection

Remus Rusanu shows an example where implicit casting from NVARCHAR to VARCHAR can introduce a SQL injection vulnerability that you otherwise wouldn’t expect:

In both examples above the SQL executed apparently should had been safe from SQL injection, but it isn’t. Neither REPLACE nor QUOTENAME were able to properly protect and the injected division by zero was executed. The problem is the Unicode MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE(NCHAR(0x02bc)) character that I used in constructing the NVARCHAR value, which is then implicitly cast to VARCHAR. This cast is converting the special ‘modifier letter apostrophe’ character to a plain single quote. This introduces new single quotes in the value, after the supposedly safe escaping occurred. The result is plain old SQL Injection.

Click through for the script.  The upside of this is that it’s entirely under your control and you should be able to get it right by using NVARCHAR consistently.

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Using Let’s Encrypt Certificates To Encrypt SQL Server Connections

Daniel Hutmacher walks through the process of setting up a certificate on a SQL Server to enable connection encryption:

Based on a real-world scenario I encountered recently, here is the premise for this post. I’m putting it here at the top, so I won’t have to expand my post into a gazillion permutations for all imaginable types of scenarios and situations. However, I think you’ll be able to adapt the workflow to your particular setup.

  • SQL Server is running on an Azure VM with a connection to the Internet.

  • Stand-alone SQL Server – no clustering, no availability groups.

  • SQL Server has its own service account.

  • No web server installed on the machine.

  • I don’t have an Enterprise CA.

  • I can’t/won’t install certificates on my clients’ computers and servers.

Daniel has done yeoman’s work with this.  I highly recommend giving it a read.

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Service Broker Security

Colleen Morrow is back with a new item in her Service Broker series, this time on securing Service Broker implementations:

There are 2 types of security in Service Broker: dialog and transport. Dialog security establishes a secure, authenticated connection between Service Broker Services or dialog endpoints. Transport security establishes an authenticated network connection between SQL Server instances or Service Broker endpoints. Clear as mud, right? Don’t worry, these are easily mixed up by both novice and experienced Service Broker admins. To illustrate, let’s go back to our taxes scenario. You’ve completed your forms, stamped your envelope and you’re ready to mail it in. You drop it in your nearest mailbox and what happens next? A postal worker will pick it up, it gets loaded into a truck and shipped between various sorting facilities (as you might have noticed I have no clue how the USPS works) until it is finally delivered to the IRS via yet another postal worker. Now, those postal workers all have the authority to transport your tax return from point to point. However, they do not have the authority to open up and read your return. That’s what transport security is. The IRS agent on the other end, though, he does have the authority to read your return. That’s dialog security.

It’s also worth noting that transport security is only needed in a distributed environment. Just like if the IRS agent lived with you, you wouldn’t need to go through the USPS. But that’s just weird.

This wraps up Colleen’s Service Broker series.  If you do find yourself interested in Service Broker, this is a great way to get your feet wet.

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Thoughts On Dynamic Data Masking

Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman talks about Dynamic Data Masking:

Anyone with the unmask privilege or DB_OWNER will be able to view the data.  As many development and testing environments grant higher privileges to the users and in SQL Server, it’s not rare for a developer to be the DB_OWNER, (I used to come across this all the time when recoveries were performed by the wrong OS user) this leaves this data still quite vulnerable.  I do like that if you were to take a backup and recover it with masking, the obfuscated data is what is recovered physically.  I’m more concerned about those odd environments where compliance hasn’t been put in place on owners of the database that would still view the originally masked data, but unmasked.

Performance isn’t impacted, (i.e. no referential integrity concerns or execution plans) as the optimizer  performs all steps against the real data, which leads me to wonder what happens with some of the newer monitoring tools that state they can display SQL and bind variable data without accessing the database directly.  Would they “sniff” the masked data or unmasked?  Would it matter who the OS User or roles in the database?

The important thing here is that DDM isn’t really a security product.  It’s a something-or-another product that might be useful to stop shoulder surfing but pretty much nothing else.

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Curl For Windows Now Uses WinSSL

David Smith notes that curl version 3.0 supports the winSSL library rather than installing OpenSSL:

To implement secure communications, the curl package needs to connect with a library that handles the SSL (secure socket layer) encryption. On Linux and Macs, curl has always used the OpenSSL library, which is included on those systems. Windows doesn’t have this library (at least, outside of the Subsystem for Linux), so on Windows the curl package included the OpenSSL library and associated certificate. This raises its own set of issues (see the post linked below for details), so version 3.0 of the package instead uses the built-in winSSL library. This means curl uses the same security architecture as other connected applications on Windows.

This shouldn’t have any impact on your web-connectivity from R now or in the future, except the knowledge that the underlying architecture is more secure. Nonetheless, it’s possible to switch back to OpenSSL-based encryption (and this remains the default on Windows 7, which does not include the winSSL).

Click through for more information.

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