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Category: Security

Protecting Kubernetes Services

Boemo Mmopelwa gives us an idea of Kubernetes service types and how to secure them:

A Kubernetes service is a logical abstraction that enables communication between different components in Kubernetes. Services provide a consistent way to access and communicate with the application’s underlying components, regardless of where those components are located.

In Kubernetes the default type is ClusterIP. Services abstract a group of pods with the same functions. Services expose pods and clusters. Services are crucial for connecting the backend and front-end of your applications.

This is different from your containerized applications that you can deploy on Kubernetes

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Preventing Accidental Azure Changes with Resource Locks

Khushbu Ghandi puts a padlock on it:

Resource locks are just locks that we can associate to different scopes in Azure allowing us to override permissions at that resource scope and down. When we talk about the scope of the resource lock, we can lock subscriptions, we can lock resource groups and individual resources, and the lock restrictions that we have based off the type of lock we select will apply to all users and roles that have access to that resource. Also, it’s worth noting that locks are inherited by child resources. So, if we apply a lock on a subscription, it is inherited by all the resource groups that have been created under that subscription along with the resources that will be created under the resource groups.

Resource locks come with their own considerations, and Khushbu dives into those. This is a concept I like more in theory than in practice, save for pretty stable systems where you keep things running 24/7.

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Indexes and Stats on Tables with Always Encrypted

Matthew McGiffen gives us the low-down:

In a previous post we looked at executing queries against columns encrypted using Always Encrypted. In this short post we look at the ability to be able to have (or not) indexes on those columns. This information is relevant to the case where you are using Always Encrypted without enclaves, we’ll look at working with enclaves later on.

Click through to see how this all works.

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Microsoft Defender for Azure SQL Slowdown

Iain Evans finds a hidden cost:

To find the root cause, we conducted a configuration comparison of the servers against an Aireforge configuration snapshot to check for any changes. We immediately noticed that an extended event session called SQLAdvancedThreatProtectionTraffic had recently been deployed. This session is deployed by default with Azure Defender for SQL Server. More info:

Read on to see what the symptoms were and what kind of impact this had.

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Reviewing Always Encrypted Queries with Extended Events

Matthew McGiffen takes a look:

In previous posts we’ve looked at a number of aspects of Always Encrypted and how it works. I think it’s very useful to understand how it actually works in practice, so in this post we’re going to look at what happens in the background when you execute a query.

I’m continuing on from the examples in the last few posts on this subject. So if you want to repeat the examples for yourself you’ll need to have followed steps from Setting Up Always Encrypted and Executing Queries Using Always Encrypted.

Read on to see what actually happens when you perform a simple INSERT or SELECT operation and there are Always Encrypted columns involved.

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Side Channel Attacks on Dynamic Data Masking

Ben Johnston does some testing:

This is the third part of a series on SQL Server Dynamic Data Masking. The first part in the series was a brief introduction to dynamic data masking, completing solutions, and use cases. The second part covered setting up masking and some examples. This part starts exploring side channel attacks against dynamic data masking.

This article will show that are plenty of security concerns with using Dynamic Data Masking as a general-purpose security tool, but don’t let it completely keep you from using it. The point of the article is to show you the weakness of the tool, particularly for ad-hoc uses with users who might be keen to snoop around the data in ways you might not expect.

I’m not very big on Dynamic Data Masking at all, and this is a big part of why. That said, if your end users don’t have the ability to send arbitrary queries along (e.g., they can only execute stored procedures and none of those stored procedures let you send in arbitrary T-SQL), then it’s not that bad.

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Running Queries with Always Encrypted

Matthew McGiffen retrieves some data:

In this post we’ll look at how you interact with data that is encrypted using Always Encrypted. The examples here will show how you run queries from SSMS, in later posts we’ll look at stored procedures and application code – as well as what happens in the background when you execute a query.

For these examples we’re going to be using the database we created in the last post.

Always Encrypted definitely changes the way you work with those encrypted columns, and you might run into some frustrating errors along the way, as things you could get away with before are no longer possible.

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A Primer on SQL Audit

Deepthi Goguri gives us an overview of Azure SQL Database’s built-in auditing functionality:

As you all know how crucial it is to Audit activity on the Server for both prod and non-prod environments, turning on the auditing in Azure SQL is pretty simple and the results we see in the audit log are similar to the logs we see on-prem. The difference is where we save the audit data in Azure.

You can enable the auditing at the Server level and at the database level just like the way we can audit SQL Server on-prem. If you would like to enable audit at the Server level in Azure, it will automatically audit all the databases under that Server. If we allow the auditing at the server level (logical Server for Azure SQL Databases) and also at the database level, we might get double the amount of collected audit data as it contains the same data twice. Always chose the Storage account if you wanted to audit the data at the Server level. If you just want to collect the audit data on one or some databases only, you can disable the logical Server level audit and enable the Auditing at the database level.

Read on for more information and to see a bit of it in action.

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Debunking Security Myths with SQL Server

Eitan Blumin has some myths for us:

Many organizations assume that their SQL Server is secure because it is behind a firewall. However, firewalls only block traffic to specified ports and protocols, and they do not protect against attacks that come through allowed traffic. Therefore, it’s important to secure SQL Server at a more granular level.

Furthermore, even if your SQL Server is not connected to the internet, it can still be hacked through internal attacks or by using compromised devices that connect to your network… If at least one privileged user can connect to the SQL Server, that means a malicious attacker potentially could do the same.

My one quibble is that number 5 isn’t a myth. I accept the importance of performing auditing, and people I know who have insane transactional throughput requirements still perform auditing, but there certainly is a performance effect. Otherwise, definitely worth the read.

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Power BI: Unable to Access the Dataset

Nicky van Vroenhoven troubleshoots an error:

I opened a report with a Live connection to a dataset and I was presented with the error below:

We encountered an error while trying to connect.

Details: “Looks like we’re unable to access the dataset. Please contact the owner of the dataset.”

Read on for the answer to this. And if that doesn’t work, the next question is, do you actually have rights to the dataset?

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