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Category: R

Microsoft R Open 3.4.3

David Smith announces Microsoft R Open 3.4.3:

Microsoft R Open (MRO), Microsoft’s enhanced distribution of open source R, has been upgraded to version 3.4.3 and is now available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This update upgrades the R language engine to the latest R (version 3.4.3) and updates the bundled packages (specifically: checkpointcurldoParallelforeach, and iterators) to new versions.

MRO is 100% compatible with all R packages. MRO 3.4.3 points to a fixed CRAN snapshot taken on January 1 2018, and you can see some highlights of new packages released since the prior version of MRO on the Spotlights page. As always, you can use the built-in checkpoint packageto access packages from an earlier date (for reproducibility) or a later date (to access new and updated packages).

That brings Microsoft up to speed with base R.

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Setting Up SparklyR In Azure

David Smith shows how you can spin up a Spark cluster in Azure and install SparklyR on top of it:

The SparklyR package from RStudio provides a high-level interface to Spark from R. This means you can create R objects that point to data frames stored in the Spark cluster and apply some familiar R paradigms (like dplyr) to the data, all the while leveraging Spark’s distributed architecture without having to worry about memory limitations in R. You can also access the distributed machine-learning algorithms included in Spark directly from R functions.

If you don’t happen to have a cluster of Spark-enabled machines set up in a nearby well-ventilated closet, you can easily set one up in your favorite cloud service. For Azure, one option is to launch a Spark cluster in HDInsight, which also includes the extensions of Microsoft ML Server. While this service recently had a significant price reduction, it’s still more expensive than running a “vanilla” Spark-and-R cluster. If you’d like to take the vanilla route, a new guide details how to set up Spark cluster on Azure for use with SparklyR.

Read on for more details.

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Zippy Base R

John Mount defends the honor of base R:

The graph summarizes the performance of four solutions to the “scoring logistic regression by hand” problem:

  • Optimized Base R: a specialized “pre allocate and work with vectorized indices” method. This is fast as it is able to express our particular task in a small number of purely base R vectorized operations. We are hoping to build some teaching materials about this methodology.

  • Idiomatic Base R (shown dashed): an idiomatic R method using stats::aggregate() to solve the problem. This method is re-plotted in both graphs as a dashed line and works as a good division between what is fast versus what is slow.

  • data.table: a straightforward data.table solution (another possible demarcation between fast and slow).

  • dplyr (no grouped filter): a dplyr solution (tuned to work around some known issues).

Read the whole thing, including the comments section, where there’s a good bit of helpful back-and-forth.

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Non-English Natural Language Processing

The folks at BNOSAC have announced a new natural language processing toolkit for R:

BNOSAC is happy to announce the release of the udpipe R package ( which is a Natural Language Processing toolkit that provides language-agnostic ‘tokenization’, ‘parts of speech tagging’, ‘lemmatization’, ‘morphological feature tagging’ and ‘dependency parsing’ of raw text. Next to text parsing, the package also allows you to train annotation models based on data of ‘treebanks’ in ‘CoNLL-U’ format as provided at

The package provides direct access to language models trained on more than 50 languages.

Click through to check it out.

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Fun With Tibbles

Theo Roe provides an introduction to tibbles in R:

Tibbles are a modern take on data frames, but crucially they are still data frames. Well, what’s the difference then? There’s a quote I found somewhere on the internet that decribes the difference quite well;

“keeping what time has proven to be effective, and throwing out what is not”.

Basically, some clever people took the classic data.frame(), shook it til the ineffective parts fell out, then added some new, more appropriate features.

I probably don’t do enough with tibbles, but the upside is that in most cases, there’s a smooth transition.

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Analyzing Data Professional Salary Data

Ginger Grant has built a dashboard to analyze data professional salaries:

In the survey for 2018, the people who made the most money were from Hong Kong with an average salary of $263,289.  Before you start planning on moving, you will might want to look at the data a little closer.  There were 2 people who responded from Hong Kong.  One of them said he was making over 1.4 million dollars, the highest amount reported in the survey.  Given the fact that we only have two responses from Hong Kong, we will be unable to draw a definitive conclusion with 2 records. To be able to answer that question, more analysis will need to be done on the location and salary information and you will probably want to add market basket criteria because a dollar say in Hong Kong doesn’t go as far as the average apartment rental is $3,237 a month as it does say in Uganda where the rent is around $187 a month.

Click through to see the final product and grab a copy of her dashboard.

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Using rquery To Speed Up Data Manipulations

John Mount shows off some rquery benchmarks versus dplyr and data.table:

Let’s take a look at rquery’s new “ad hoc” mode (made convenient through wrapr‘s new “wrapr_applicable” feature). This is where rquery works on in-memory data.frame data by sending it to a database, processing on the database, and then pulling the data back. We concede this is a strange way to process data, and not rquery’s primary purpose (the primary purpose being generation of safe high performance SQL for big data engines such as Spark and PostgreSQL). However, our experiments show that it is in fact a competitive technique.

We’ve summarized the results of several experiments (experiment details here) in the following graph (graphing code here). The benchmark task was hand implementing logistic regression scoring. This is an example query we have been using for some time.

There are some nice early results, so it’ll be interesting to watch as this develops.

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Tidytext 0.1.6

Julia Silge announces a new version of tidytext:

I am pleased to announce that tidytext 0.1.6 is now on CRAN!

Most of this release, as well as the 0.1.5 release which I did not blog about, was for maintenance, updates to align with API changes from tidytext’s dependencies, and bugs. I just spent a good chunk of effort getting tidytext to pass R CMD check on older versions of R despite the fact that some of the packages in tidytext’s Suggests require recent versions of R. FUN TIMES. I was glad to get it working, though, because I know that we have users, some teaching on university campuses, etc, who are constrained to older versions of R in various environments.

There are some more interesting updates. For example, did you know about the new-ish stopwords package? This package provides access to stopword lists from multiple sources in multiple languages. If you would like to access these in a list data structure, go to the original package. But if you like your text tidy, I GOT YOU.

Read on for examples and grab the latest version.

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Geocoding With OpenStreetMap

Dmitry Kisler shows how to geocode addresses in R using the OpenStreetMap API:

It is quite likely to get address info when scraping data from the web, but not geo-coordinates which may be required for further analysis like clustering. Thus geocoding is often needed to get a location’s coordinates by its address.

There are several options, including one of the most popular, google geocoding API. This option can be easily implemented into R with the function geocode from the library ggmap. It has the limitation of 2500 request a day (when it’s used free of charge), see details here.

To increase the number of free of charge geocoding requests, OpenStreetMap (OSM) Nominatim API can be used. OSM allows up to 1 request per second (see the usage policy), that gives about 35 times more API calls compared to the google geocoding API.

Click through for the script.

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