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Category: Query Tuning

Power BI: Merge Joins and Nullable Columns

Chris Bailiss dives into some join problems in Power BI against Snowflake and SQL Server:

Power BI generates SQL that performs very poorly against Snowflake (and possibly other database platforms) when joining nullable columns, e.g. in the “Merge Queries” action in the Power BI query editor.

Specifically, the SQL generated prevents the use of the “hash join” physical join algorithm that has been one of the main algorithms used for decades by database engines when executing joins between large tables. This forces database engines to fall-back to using very inefficient physical joins (e.g. loop/cartesian join) that can perform orders of magnitude slower.

The reason why Power BI generates different SQL for non-nullable for nullable columns in a join is explained in the “Problem Part 2” section below.

Read the whole thing—and there’s a lot of good information in there.

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When Trivial Plans Hide Relevant Information

Chad Callihan wants the optimizer to sweat a bit:

When you execute a query, the SQL Server query optimizer determines potential query plans and decides which plan is the cheapest. It’s possible for a query to be so simple that there’s no need to bother weighing out different plans before returning results. In this case, SQL Server may use a trivial plan. Let’s look at an example of this plan and one reason why simple may not always be the best.

Click through for an example.

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Variance in Parallel Query Performance

Joe Obbish takes on parallelism:

You may have noticed large variations in elapsed time for parallel queries while performing query tuning or observing a production workload. This post reviews some of the possible explanations for those variations. I’m testing on SQL Server 2022 RC0 but this behavior can be observed on all currently supported versions of SQL Server.

Joe has an interesting example (and my guess of how bad the performance would be was not too far off, though I did underestimate the difference), as well as several possible causes and mitigation strategies for slow parallel queries.

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sp_prepare and Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization

Erik Darling is a bit surprised:

I admit that sp_prepare is an odd bird, and thankfully one that isn’t used a ton. I still run into applications that are unfortunate enough to have been written by people who hate bloggers and continue to use it, though, so here goes.

When you use sp_prepare, parameterized queries behave differently from normal: the parameters don’t get histogram cardinality estimates, they get density vector cardinality estimates.

That part’s not the surprise. You’ll have to click through for that.

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OPENJSON Performance and Schemas

Dave Mason has a new blog theme and a post on OPENJSON performance:

Support for JSON data has been around in SQL Server for a while now, starting with SQL 2016. The OPENJSON rowset function is the built-in function that allows you to natively convert JSON text into a set of rows and columns. There are two options for using OPENJSON: with the default schema or with an explicit schema. There are performance implications for each, which I’ll review with some examples.

Dave has some nice tips for people working with JSON data in SQL Server.

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Bulk Insert into Azure SQL DB using Python

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz shares some customer notes:

Today, I’ve been working on a service request that our customer wants to improve the performance of a bulk insert process. Following, I would like to share my experience working on that.

Our customer mentioned that inserting data (100.000 rows) is taking 14 seconds in a database in Business Critical. I was able to reproduce this time using a single thread using a table with 20 columns.

A lot of this advice also applies to on-premises SQL Server and relates to using bulk inserts and picking good batch sizes. Similar advice to what we’d be doing with SQL Server Integration Services or any other ETL/ELT process, tailored to Python.

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Improvements to Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization

Erik Darling is not good at being on vacation:

Several weeks back, I blogged about a missed opportunity with the new parameter sensitive plan feature. At the time, I thought that there was indeed sufficient skewness available to trigger the additional plan variants, and apparently some nice folks at Microsoft agreed.

If we step back through the old demo, we’ll get different results.

Click through for those results.

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When Estimated and Actual Plans Differ

Brent Ozar notes that estimated plans are not guarantees:

A reader posted a question for Office Hours:

Hi Brent, What is your take on Hugo Kornelis’s explanation of execution plan naming. As her his explanation, estimated exec plan is simply an execution plan whereas actual execution plan = execution plan+run-time stats. Do you agree that the naming is flawed and confusing? – Yourbiggestfan

Click through to see examples of when estimated plans might look different from actual plans.

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Query Splitting in Entity Framework

Guy Glantser doesn’t pull punches:

Recently, while working with a customer and tuning some queries, we spotted a query that seemed odd. Something about it wasn’t right. After some more investigation, the developer recognized the query as a one generated by Entity-Framework and using the SplitQuery feature. This was new to me. It’s the first time I encountered this feature, so I went to learn about it.

Now that I know what it is and how it works, I can tell you that it’s a terrible feature in most cases. Developers should avoid using it, unless there is a good reason to use it (which I doubt).

I thought based on the title that this was something totally different. Reading what Guy has to say about it, I fully agree.

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The Cure to Scalar Functions

Tom Zika has a cure:

In the first two parts, we have seen why the Scalar functions (UDFs) are a problem for the performance. So how do we deal with it now that we know it’s a problem?

There is only one solution:

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
— Ellen Ripley

Tom’s ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

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