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Category: Python

Domain Lineage in Microsoft Fabric

Sandeep Pawar creates 1000 words of value:

In Fabric, you can use the Domains to create a data mesh architecture. It allows you to organize the data and items by specific business domains within the organization and make the overall data architecture decentralized. You can create domains within domains and assign workspaces to each domain. As it grows, you may find it challenging to understand how the domains & workspaces have been organized. Below code will help you trace the domains, subdomains and the workspaces assigned to them.

Click through to see how you can use the graphviz library in Python to generate a simple domain chart.

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Natural Language Pre-Processing with Python

Harris Amjad does some text cleanup:

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is currently all the rage in the current machine learning landscape. With technologies like ChatGPT, Gemini, Llama, and so many other state-of-the-art text generators getting popular with the mainstream public, many newcomers are pouring into the field of NLP. Unfortunately, before we delve into how these fancy chatbots work, we must understand how we are engineering and treating our data before we feed it to our model. In this tip, we will introduce and implement some basic text preprocessing and cleaning techniques with Python.

Click through for some common operations. Some of these are very important for certain tasks but likely unhelpful for others. That could include things like lower-casing all words or removing stopwords. There are also some operations like spell checking and jargon expansion (or replacement) that you will likely want to include in a real-life project with actual people entering the data, versus a tidy sample dataset.

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Simple Data Cleanup with Pandas

Ivan Palomares Carrascosa builds a process:

Few data science projects are exempt from the necessity of cleaning data. Data cleaning encompasses the initial steps of preparing data. Its specific purpose is that only the relevant and useful information underlying the data is retained, be it for its posterior analysis, to use as inputs to an AI or machine learning model, and so on. Unifying or converting data types, dealing with missing values, eliminating noisy values stemming from erroneous measurements, and removing duplicates are some examples of typical processes within the data cleaning stage.

As you might think, the more complex the data, the more intricate, tedious, and time-consuming the data cleaning can become, especially when implementing it manually.

Ivan handles some of the most common types of data clean work and shows a simple way of implementing these.

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Working with Excel Files in Databricks

Chen Hirsh deals with truly big data:

Excel is one of the most common data file formats, and, as data engineers, we are required to read data from it on almost every project. Excel is easy to use, and you can customize it quickly, like adding a column and changing data. But the same things that made it the go-to format for users, make it hard to read by Data platforms. Adding a column might break a pipeline, and changing datatypes, for example, adding text to a column that only held numeric data before, might cause a nasty error downstream.

Working in Databricks, you can read and write Excel files, but you need to pay attention to some pitfalls. So let’s get started, working with Excel files on Databricks!

Click through for a way to do this using PySpark. H/T Madeira Data Solutions blog.

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Generating a Multi-Aggregate Pivot in Spark

Richard Swinbank troubleshoots an issue:

I’m using a stream watermark to handle late arriving data – basically1) my watermark enables the stream to accept data arriving up to 10 seconds late …and that’s where the problem shows up.

When I run this streaming query – in Azure Databricks I can do this simply with display(df_pivot) – I receive the error:

AnalysisException: Detected pattern of possible ‘correctness’ issue due to global watermark. The query contains stateful operation which can emit rows older than the current watermark plus allowed late record delay, which are “late rows” in downstream stateful operations and these rows can be discarded. Please refer the programming guide doc for more details. If you understand the possible risk of correctness issue and still need to run the query, you can disable this check by setting the config `spark.sql.streaming.statefulOperator.checkCorrectness.enabled` to false.

Read on to learn more about the scenario, the issue, and the solution.

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Dealing with Collinearity using Lasso Regression

Vinod Chugani always moves in the same direction:

One of the significant challenges statisticians and data scientists face is multicollinearity, particularly its most severe form, perfect multicollinearity. This issue often lurks undetected in large datasets with many features, potentially disguising itself and skewing the results of statistical models.

In this post, we explore the methods for detecting, addressing, and refining models affected by perfect multicollinearity. Through practical analysis and examples, we aim to equip you with the tools necessary to enhance your models’ robustness and interpretability, ensuring that they deliver reliable insights and accurate predictions.

Read on to learn a bit more about how collinearity works and how you can use lasso regression (instead of ridge regression) to deal with the problem.

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From Pandas to Polars

Ari Lamstein explains why it might be worth a switch:

I recently decided to switch from Pandas to Polars for my Python projects that use dataframes. I came to this decision while taking a workshop on Polars last week: I found its syntax to be so intuitive that I couldn’t justify continuing to try to get “better” at Pandas, despite Pandas being the more established library. The fact that Polars is faster (it’s main selling point) was, surprisingly, not a factor in my decision.

A similar transformation recently happened in R. For most of the history of R there was only one way to interact with dataframes: Base R. Then the Tidyverse came along, and offered both performance improvements and easier syntax. Eventually the Tidyverse became the primary way that many people interact with dataframes. I believe that the Tidyverse’s easier syntax is what led to its widespread adoption, and I think that something similar is likely to happen with Polars.

Click through for Ari’s thoughts on the matter. H/T R-Bloggers.

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Testing Python Code with pytest

Aida Gjoka builds some tests:

Testing code using automated tools is common throughout the software development industry. This technique can improve the quality of the code you write as a data scientist. Testing helps refine your code, supports redesign, prevents errors, and makes it harder to write single-use code.

Here, we introduce the pytest framework and show how it can be used to test Python functions. If you don’t use a testing framework as part of your daily workflow, try experimenting with the techniques presented here the next time you write or extend a function.

I am a big fan of pytest because it strikes what I consider to be a great balance between convention and customization. There’s very little administrative overhead to creating test classes and test cases, so tests are easy to build and can it’s trivial to run a test suite or a specific part of one.

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Building an App to Use Fabric AI Skills Locally

Sandeep Pawar takes us on-premises:

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know I have been testing Fabric AI Skills extensively. I have written three blogs so far on various ways the AI Skills endpoint can be used. The feature is still in preview but I am excited to see how it can be used to create new solutions as it matures.

I was curious to test if the AI Skills endpoint can be used locally and in other applications. This will open many opportunities to integrate it in different tools, inside and outside of Fabric ecosystem. So, I built an app using Gradio to make API calls to the endpoint and show the results in a local browser along with interactive plots.

Click through for a link to the code and some instructions on how to build it yourself.

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