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Category: Powershell

Powershell And CMS

Mark Wilkinson loves Powershell and he loves Central Management Servers and he loves combining the two:

Get-CmsHosts is a function I wrote as part of a custom PowerShell module we maintain internally at my employer. It is simple to use, but is the base of most automation projects I work on.

Simple Example

PS> Get-CmsHosts -SqlInstance 'srv-' -CmsInstance srv-mycms-01

This example will connect to srv-mycms-01 and return a distinct list of instance host names registered with that CMS server that start with the string srv-. This output can then be piped to other commands:

Read on for more examples and details, and then grab the script at the end of Mark’s post.

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Disabling Named Pipes Using Powershell

Brian Carrig shows how to disable the Named Pipes protocol using Powershell:

Windows and POSIX systems both support something referred to as “named pipes”, although they are different concepts. For the purposes of this post I am referring only to the Windows version. By default on most editions of SQL Server (every edition except Express Edition), there are three supported and enabled protocols for SQL server to listen on – Shared Memory, TCP/IP and Named Pipes. The inclusion of named pipes has always confused me somewhat. In theory, named pipes allow communication between applications without the overhead of going through the network layer. This advantage disappears when you want to communicate over the network using named pipes. In all modern versions of SQL Server, named pipes does not support Kerberos, so for most shops you likely will not be using or should not be using named pipes to communicate with SQL Server.

Security best practices dictate that if you are not using a particular protocol, you should disable it. There is an option to disable this is in the GUI in Configuration Manager but since this T-SQL Tuesday blog post is about using Powershell it does not make sense to cover it here. Nor is it particular easy to use the GUI to make a configuration change across hundreds of SQL instances. Unfortunately, I have not found a good way to make this change that does not involve using WMI, if anybody is aware of a better method, I welcome your feedback.

Read the whole thing.  You should have Named Pipes enabled if you’re running a NetBIOS network.  But because it’s not 1997 anymore, you probably shouldn’t be running a NetBIOS network.

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Spinning Up Hyper-V VMs With Powershell

Andrew Pruski shows us how to enable Hyper-V and create a Windows VM using Powershell:

I’m constantly spinning up VMs and then blowing them away. Ok, using the Hyper-V GUI isn’t too bad but when I’m creating multiple machines it can be a bit of a pain.

So here’s the details on the script I’ve written, hopefully it could be of some use to you too.

Click through for the script; it’s ultimately just a few lines of code.

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Deleting SSAS Cube Partitions With Powershell

Richie Lee shows how to remove Analysis Services cube partitions using Powershell:

One such an example of ad-hoc DBA tasks was when I had to delete about 600 partitions from a measure group that had thousands of partitions. Doing this manually would be ridiculous, so at the time I created a SQL script that used some dynamic T-SQL to create the delete commands in XMLA. XMLA has no “delete if exist” type syntax, so if I needed to run this again, this dynamic SQL output wouldn’t work. And so I decided that if I had to run the same task a gain I would write a PowerShell script that would run DSC-style and drop the partitions that were no longer required. And funnily enough, that is exactly what I had to do.

I knew I would be able to create a Powershell script that used AMO to check if a partition exists and drop it if it did. I also wanted the script to take into account any other partitions in other measure groups that may also need to be dropped. So I made sure the script uses PowerShell switches that can be included when calling the function, and if they are included then the pertaining partitions in that measure group will be deleted. So you can run the script for one, some or all of the measure groups in a cube.

Click through for the script.

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Starting Out With Powershell

Rob Sewell has his own introduction to Powershell:

PowerShell is another language, you are not going to be as proficient in a new language as you are in the language you spend all day working with. You will have to go through the learning curve and you will have to understand how to interpret errors. There is a learning curve just like with any language. Undoubtedly you will get frustrated at times. Reach out for help. Use twitter, use the #powershellhelp in the SQL Server Community Slack channel. There are many other places and plenty of people who will be glad to help you.

Rob has a pretty detailed introduction to the topic, so it’s well worth the read for new Powershell users.

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Getting Started With Powershell

Rob Farley gives us a basic introduction to Powershell:

I want to take a few minutes to get you started with PowerShell, in a way that I think is less overwhelming than how I found most PowerShell material back in the day. Because you’ve told me you keep hearing about PowerShell, and that you can’t tell how to get into it.

The first thing to know is that it feels like Command Prompt on steroids, but a lot more useful than Command Prompt. You’ll see what I mean as soon as you open it. Let’s do that, but let’s open it using ‘Run as Administrator’, because that just helps for some of the demos. In real life, you’ll only open it with Admin rights if you really need to.

So click on the start button and start typing PowerShell. I don’t want you to open the ISE (yet), just find the “Windows PowerShell” shortcut, and right-click on it to choose ‘Run as Administrator’.

This T-SQL Tuesday is all about Powershell, and Rob’s is one of the first posts you should read if you’re not familiar.

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Invalid Class Error Trying To Access WMI Class

Claudio Silva troubleshoots an error which gives the user a red herring:

This can return more than one line with different ComputerManagement (like ComputerManagement10). It depends on the versions you have installed on the host. The number “10” refers to the SQL Server 2008.
Now I can uncomment the last command and run it. The result is:

Get-CimInstance : Invalid class
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-CimInstance -CimSession $CIMsession -Namespace $(“rootMicrosoftSQLServerC …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : MetadataError: (:) [Get-CimInstance], CimException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : HRESULT 0x80041010,Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets.GetCimInstanceCommand
+ PSComputerName : HOST001

Ok, a different error message. Let’s dig in it. I logged in on the host and confirmed that I have a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance installed. This means that I’m not accessing a lower version than 2005 like the initial warning message was suggesting.

Read the whole thing.

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Retrieving Disk Block Size With Powershell

Naveen Kumar shows how to use Powershell to find out the block size of a particular disk in Windows:

Do you need to worry about disk block size?
I would suggest you to read below articles for getting better understanding on this topic

Disk Partition Alignment Best Practices for SQL Server

Post discussion, the next question was how do we check the disk block size for a given server?
You can do it from command line using FSutil utility. But let’s do it with PowerShell.

Read on for the code.

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Get Security Update List In Powershell

Jana Sattainathan builds a detailed CSV of Microsoft monthly security updates using Powershell:

Once I understood the data well, I realized that the raw data had to be flattened out to expand collections (like KB) at the row level into their own row so that everything has a single value in each row. Then, the grouping is easy.

It made more sense to allow grouping not just by KB but by other columns like Product or CVE. The Group-Object works fine for most cases but since there will be duplicates after the data is grouped, it makes it easier to just do it with HashTables.

Jana provides the entire solution on his site.  When reading it, I felt the urge to switch to a language which offers easier pivoting and aggregation, but the code was clear and understandable.

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